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Linux Bible - 9th - New Delhi Wiley India Pvt. Ltd. 2019; c2015 - 859

Linux Bible, 9th Edition is the ultimate hands-on Linux user guide, whether you're a true beginner or a more advanced user navigating recent changes. This updated ninth edition covers the latest versions of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 (RHEL 7), Fedora 21 and Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and includes new information on cloud computing and development with guidance on Openstack and Cloudforms. With a focus on RHEL 7, this practical guide gets you up to speed quickly on the new enhancements for enterprise-quality file systems, the new boot process and services management, firewalld, and the GNOME 3 desktop. Written by a Red Hat expert.



Part I: Getting Started

Chapter 1: Starting with Linux

Understanding What Linux Is
Understanding How Linux Differs from Other Operating Systems
Exploring Linux History
Free-flowing UNIX culture at Bell Labs
Commercialized UNIX
Berkeley Software Distribution arrives
UNIX Laboratory and commercialization
GNU transitions UNIX to freedom
BSD loses some steam
Linus builds the missing piece
OSI open source definition
Understanding How Linux Distributions Emerged
Choosing a Red Hat distribution
Using Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Using Fedora
Choosing Ubuntu or another Debian distribution
Finding Professional Opportunities with Linux Today
Understanding how companies make money with Linux
Becoming Red Hat certified
RHCSA topics
RHCE topics

Chapter 2: Creating the Perfect Linux Desktop

Understanding Linux Desktop Technology
Starting with the Fedora GNOME Desktop Live image
Using the GNOME 3 Desktop
After the computer boots up
Navigating with the mouse
Navigating with the keyboard
Setting up the GNOME 3 desktop
Extending the GNOME 3 desktop
Using GNOME shell extensions
Using the GNOME Tweak Tool
Starting with desktop applications
Managing files and folders with Nautilus
Installing and managing additional software
Playing music with Rhythmbox
Stopping the GNOME 3 desktop
Using the GNOME 2 Desktop
Using the Metacity window manager
Changing GNOME's appearance
Using the GNOME panels
Using the Applications and System menus
Adding an applet
Adding another panel
Adding an application launcher
Adding a drawer
Changing panel properties
Adding 3D effects with AIGLX

Part II: Becoming a Linux Power User

Chapter 3: Using the Shell

About Shells and Terminal Windows
Using the shell prompt
Using a terminal window
Using virtual consoles
Choosing Your Shell
Running Commands
Understanding command syntax
Locating commands
Recalling Commands Using Command History
Command-line editing
Command-line completion
Command-line recall
Connecting and Expanding Commands
Piping between commands
Sequential commands
Background commands
Expanding commands
Expanding arithmetic expressions
Expanding variables
Using Shell Variables
Creating and using aliases
Exiting the shell
Creating Your Shell Environment
Configuring your shell
Setting your prompt
Adding environment variables
Getting Information about Commands

Chapter 4: Moving around the File system

Using Basic File system Commands
Using Metacharacters and Operators
Using file-matching metacharacters
Using file-redirection metacharacters
Using brace expansion characters
Listing Files and Directories
Understanding File Permissions and Ownership
Changing permissions with chmod (numbers)
Changing permissions with chmod (letters)
Setting default file permission with umask
Changing file ownership
Moving, Copying and Removing Files

Chapter 5: Working with Text Files

Editing Files with vim and vi
Starting with vi
Adding text
Moving around in the text
Deleting, copying, and changing text
Pasting (putting) text
Repeating commands
Exiting vi
Skipping around in the file
Searching for text
Using ex mode
Learning more about vi and vim
Finding Files
Using locate to find files by name
Searching for files with find
Finding files by name
Finding files by size
Finding files by user
Finding files by permission
Finding files by date and time
Using €˜not' and €˜or' when finding files
Finding files and executing commands
Searching in files with grep

Chapter 6: Managing Running Processes

Understanding Processes
Listing Processes
Listing processes with ps
Listing and changing processes with top
Listing processes with System Monitor
Managing Background and Foreground Processes
Starting background processes
Using foreground and background commands
Killing and Renicing Processes
Killing processes with kill and killall
Using kill to signal processes by PID
Using killall to signal processes by name
Setting processor priority with nice and renice
Limiting Processes with cgroups

Chapter 7: Writing Simple Shell Scripts

Understanding Shell Scripts
Executing and debugging shell scripts
Understanding shell variables
Special shell positional parameters
Reading in parameters
Parameter expansion in bash
Performing arithmetic in shell scripts
Using programming constructs in shell scripts
The "if...then" statements
The case command
The "for...do" loop
The "while...do" and "until...do" loops
Trying some useful text manipulation programs
The general regular expression parser
Remove sections of lines of text (cut)
Translate or delete characters (tr)
The stream editor (sed)
Using simple shell scripts
Telephone list
Backup script

Part III: Becoming a Linux System Administrator

Chapter 8: Learning System Administration

Understanding System Administration
Using Graphical Administration Tools
Using system-confi g-* tools
Using browser-based admin tools
Using the root user account
Becoming root from the shell (su command)
Allowing administrative access via the GUI
Gaining administrative access with sudo
Exploring Administrative Commands, Configuration Files and Log Files
Administrative commands
Administrative configuration files
Administrative log files and systemd journal
Using journalctl to view the systemd journal
Managing log messages with rsyslogd
Using Other Administrative Accounts
Checking and Confi guring Hardware
Checking your hardware
Managing removable hardware
Working with loadable modules
Listing loaded modules
Loading modules
Removing modules

Chapter 9: Installing Linux x

Choosing a Computer
Installing Fedora from Live media
Installing Red Hat Enterprise Linux from Installation Media
Understanding Cloud-Based Installations
Installing Linux in the Enterprise
Exploring Common Installation Topics
Upgrading or installing from scratch
Dual booting
Installing Linux to run virtually
Using installation boot options
Boot options for disabling features
Boot options for video problems
Boot options for special installation types
Boot options for kick starts and remote repositories
Miscellaneous boot options
Using specialized storage
Partitioning hard drives
Understanding different partition types
Reasons for different partitioning schemes
Tips for creating partitions
Using the GRUB boot loader
Using GRUB Legacy (version 1)
Using GRUB 2

Chapter 10: Getting and Managing Software

Managing Software on the Desktop
Going Beyond the Software Window
Understanding Linux RPM and DEB Software Packaging
Understanding DEB packaging
Understanding RPM packaging
What is in an RPM?
Where do RPMs come from?
Installing RPMs
Managing RPM Packages with YUM
Understanding how yum works
1 Checking /etc/yumconf
2 Checking /etc/sysconfi g/rhn/up2date (RHEL only)
3 Checking /etc/yumreposd/*repo files
4 Downloading RPM packages and metadata from a YUM repository
5 RPM packages installed to Linux fi le system
6 Store YUM repository metadata to local RPM database
Using YUM with third-party software repositories
Managing software with the YUM command
Searching for packages
Installing and removing packages
Updating packages
Updating groups of packages
Maintaining your RPM package database and cache
Downloading RPMs from a yum repository
Installing, Querying, and Verifying Software with the rpm Command
Installing and removing packages with rpm
Querying rpm information
Verifying RPM packages
Managing Software in the Enterprise

Chapter 11: Managing User Accounts

Creating User Accounts
Adding users with useradd
Setting user defaults
Modifying users with usermod
Deleting users with userdel
Understanding Group Accounts
Using group accounts
Creating group accounts
Managing Users in the Enterprise
Setting permissions with Access Control Lists
Setting ACLs with setfacl
Setting default ACLs
Enabling ACLs
Adding directories for users to collaborate
Creating group collaboration directories (set GID bit)
Creating restricted deletion directories (sticky bit)
Centralizing User Accounts
Using the Users window
Using the Authentication Configuration window

Chapter 12: Managing Disks and File systems

Understanding Disk Storage
Partitioning Hard Disks
Understanding partition tables
Viewing disk partitions
Creating a single-partition disk
Creating a multiple-partition disk
Using Logical Volume Management Partitions
Checking an existing LVM
Creating LVM logical volumes
Growing LVM logical volumes
Mounting File systems
Supported file systems
Enabling swap areas
Disabling a swap area
Using the fstab file to define mountable file systems
Using the mount command to mount file systems
Mounting a disk image in loopback
Using the umount command
Using the mkfs Command to Create a File system

Part IV: Becoming a Linux Server Administrator

Chapter 13: Understanding Server Administration

Starting with Server Administration
Step 1: Install the server
Step 2: Configure the server
Using configuration files
Checking the default configuration
Step 3: Start the server
Step 4: Secure the server
Password protection
TCP Wrappers
Security settings in configuration files
Step 5: Monitor the server
Configure logging
Run system activity reports
Keep system software up to date
Check the file system for signs of crackers
Managing Remote Access with the Secure Shell Service
Starting the openssh-server service
Using SSH client tools
Using ssh for remote login
Using ssh for remote execution
Copying files between systems with scp and rsync
Interactive copying with sftp
Using key-based (passwordless) authentication
Configuring System Logging
Enabling system logging with rsyslog
Understanding the rsyslogconf file
Understanding the messages log file
Setting up and using a loghost with rsyslogd
Watching logs with logwatch
Checking System Resources with sar
Checking System Space
Displaying system space with df
Checking disk usage with du
Finding disk consumption with find
Managing Servers in the Enterprise

Chapter 14: Administering Networking

Configuring Networking for Desktops
Checking your network interfaces
Checking your network from Network Manager
Checking your network from the command line
Configuring network interfaces
Setting IP addresses manually
Setting IP address aliases
Setting routes
Configuring a network proxy connection
Configuring Networking from the Command Line
Editing a connection
Understanding networking configuration files
Network interface files
Other networking files
Setting alias network interfaces
Setting up Ethernet channel bonding
Setting custom routes
Configuring Networking in the Enterprise
Configuring Linux as a router
Configuring Linux as a DHCP server
Configuring Linux as a DNS server
Configuring Linux as a proxy server

Chapter 15: Starting and Stopping Services

Understanding the Initialization Daemon (init or systemd)
Understanding the classic init daemons
Understanding the Upstart init daemon
Learning Upstart init daemon basics
Learning Upstart's backward compatibility to SysVinit
Understanding systemd initialization
Learning systemd basics
Learning systemd's backward compatibility to SysVinit
Checking the Status of Services
Checking services for SysVinit systems
Checking services for Upstart systems
Checking services for systemd systems
Stopping and Starting Services
Stopping and starting SysVinit services
Stopping and starting Upstart services
Stopping and starting systemd services
Stopping a service with systemd
Starting a service with systemd
Restarting a service with systemd
Reloading a service with systemd
Enabling Persistent Services
Configuring persistent services for SysVinit
Configuring persistent services for Upstart
Configuring persistent services for systemd
Enabling a service with systemd
Disabling a service with systemd
Configuring a Default Runlevel or Target Unit
Configuring the SysVinit default runlevel
Configuring the default runlevel in Upstart
Configuring the default target unit for systemd
Adding New or Customized Services
Adding new services to SysVinit
Step 1: Create a new or customized service script file
Step 2: Add the service script to /etc/rcd/initd
Step 3: Add the service to runlevel directories
Adding new services to Upstart
Adding new services to systemd
Step 1: Create a new or customized service configuration unit file
Step 2: Move the service configuration unit file
Step 3: Add the service to the Wants directory

Chapter 16: Configuring a Print Server

Common UNIX Printing System
Setting Up Printers
Adding a printer automatically
Using web-based CUPS administration
Using the Print Settings window
Configuring local printers with the Print Settings window
Configuring remote printers
Adding a remote CUPS printer
Adding a remote UNIX (LDP/LPR) printer
Adding a Windows (SMB) printer
Working with CUPS Printing
Configuring the CUPS server (cupsdconf)
Starting the CUPS server
Configuring CUPS printer options manually
Using Printing Commands
Printing with lpr
Listing status with lpc
Removing print jobs with lprm
Configuring Print Servers
Configuring a shared CUPS printer
Configuring a shared Samba printer
Understanding smbconf for printing
Setting up SMB clients

Chapter 17: Configuring a Web Server

Understanding the Apache Web Server
Getting and Installing Your Web Server
Understanding the httpd package
Installing Apache
Starting Apache
Securing Apache
Apache file permissions and ownership
Apache and iptables
Apache and SELinux
Understanding the Apache configuration files
Using directives
Understanding default settings
Adding a virtual host to Apache
Allowing users to publish their own web content
Securing your web traffic with SSL/TLS
Understanding how SSL is configured
Generating an SSL key and self-signed certificate
Generating a certificate signing request
Troubleshooting Your Web Server
Checking for configuration errors
Accessing forbidden and server internal errors

Chapter 18: Configuring an FTP Server

Understanding FTP
Installing the vsftpd FTP Server
Starting the vsftpd Service
Securing Your FTP Server
Opening up your firewall for FTP
Allowing FTP access in TCP wrappers
Configuring SELinux for your FTP server
Relating Linux file permissions to vsftpd
Configuring Your FTP Server
Setting up user access
Allowing uploading
Setting up vsftpd for the Internet
Using FTP Clients to Connect to Your Server
Accessing an FTP server from Firefox
Accessing an FTP server with the lftp command
Using the gFTP client

Chapter 19: Configuring a Windows File Sharing (Samba) Server

Understanding Samba
Installing Samba
Starting and Stopping Samba
Starting the Samba (smb) service
Starting the NetBIOS (nmbd) name server
Stopping the Samba (smb) and NetBIOS (nmb) services
Securing Samba
Configuring firewalls for Samba
Configuring SELinux for Samba
Setting SELinux Booleans for Samba
Setting SELinux fi le contexts for Samba
Configuring Samba host/user permissions
Configuring Samba
Using system-config-samba
Choosing Samba server settings
Confi guring Samba user accounts
Creating a Samba shared folder
Checking the Samba share
Configuring Samba in the smbconf file
Configuring the [global] section
Configuring the [homes] section
Configuring the [printers] section
Creating custom shared directories
Accessing Samba Shares
Accessing Samba shares in Linux
Accessing Samba shares in Windows
Using Samba in the Enterprise

Chapter 20: Configuring an NFS File Server

Installing an NFS Server
Starting the NFS service
Sharing NFS File systems
Configuring the /etc/exports file
Hostnames in /etc/exports
Access options in /etc/exports
User mapping options in /etc/exports
Exporting the shared file systems
Securing Your NFS Server
Opening up your firewall for NFS
Allowing NFS access in TCP wrappers
Confi guring SELinux for your NFS server
Using NFS Filesystems
Viewing NFS shares
Manually mounting an NFS file system
Mounting an NFS file system at boot time
Mounting noauto file systems
Using mount options
Using autofs to mount NFS file systems on demand
Automounting to the /net directory
Automounting home directories
Unmounting NFS file systems

Chapter 21: Troubleshooting Linux

Boot-Up Troubleshooting
Understanding Startup Methods
Starting with System V init scripts
Starting with systemd
Starting with Upstart
Starting from the firmware (BIOS or UEFI)
Troubleshooting BIOS setup
Troubleshooting boot order
Troubleshooting the GRUB boot loader
Starting the kernel
Troubleshooting the initialization system
Troubleshooting System V initialization
Troubleshooting rcsysinit
Troubleshooting runlevel processes
Troubleshooting systemd initialization
Troubleshooting Software Packages
Fixing RPM databases and cache
Troubleshooting Networking
Troubleshooting outgoing connections
View network interfaces
Check physical connections
Check routes
Check hostname resolution
Troubleshooting incoming connections
Check if the client can reach your system at all
Check if the service is available to the client
Check the firewall on the server
Check the service on the server
Troubleshooting Memory
Uncovering memory issues
Checking for memory problems
Dealing with memory problems
Troubleshooting in Rescue Mode

Part V: Learning Linux Security Techniques

Chapter 22: Understanding Basic Linux Security

Understanding Security Basics
Implementing physical security
Implementing disaster recovery
Securing user accounts
One user per user account
No logins to the root account
Setting expiration dates on temporary accounts
Removing unused user accounts
Securing passwords
Choosing good passwords
Setting and changing passwords
Enforcing best password practices
Understanding the password files and password hashes
Securing the filesystem
Managing dangerous filesystem permissions
Securing the password files
Locking down the filesystem
Managing software and services
Removing unused software and services
Updating software packages
Advanced implementation
Working in the Monitoring Phase
Monitoring log files
Monitoring user accounts
Detecting counterfeit new accounts and privileges
Detecting bad account passwords
Monitoring the filesystem
Verifying software packages
Scanning the filesystem
Detecting viruses and rootkits
Detecting an intrusion
Working in the Audit/Review Phase
Conducting compliance reviews
Conducting security reviews
Chapter 23: Understanding Advanced Linux Security
Implementing Linux Security with Cryptography
Understanding hashing
Understanding encryption/decryption
Understanding cryptographic ciphers
Understanding cryptographic cipher keys
Understanding digital signatures
Implementing Linux cryptography
Ensuring file integrity
Encrypting a Linux filesystem
Encrypting a Linux directory
Encrypting a Linux file
Encrypting Linux miscellaneous
Implementing Linux Security with PAM
Understanding the PAM authentication process
Understanding PAM contexts
Understanding PAM control flags
Understanding PAM modules
Understanding PAM system event configuration files
Administering PAM on your Linux system
Managing PAM-aware application configuration files
Managing PAM system event configuration files
Implementing resources limits with PAM
Implementing time restrictions with PAM
Enforcing good passwords with PAM
Encouraging sudo use with PAM
Locking accounts with PAM
Obtaining more information on PAM
Chapter 24: Enhancing Linux Security with SELinux
Understanding SELinux Benefits
Understanding How SELinux Works
Understanding Type Enforcement
Understanding Multi-Level Security
Implementing SELinux security models
Understanding SELinux Operational Modes
Understanding SELinux security contexts
Understanding SELinux Policy types
Understanding SELinux Policy rule packages
Configuring SELinux
Setting the SELinux Operational Mode
Setting the SELinux Policy type ................................................................672
Managing SELinux security contexts .......................................................673
Managing the user security context
Managing the fi le security context
Managing the process security context
Managing SELinux policy rule packages
Managing SELinux via Booleans
Monitoring and Troubleshooting SELinux
Understanding SELinux logging
Reviewing SELinux messages in the audit log
Reviewing SELinux messages in the messages log
Troubleshooting SELinux logging
Troubleshooting common SELinux problems
Using a non-standard directory for a service
Using a non-standard port for a service
Moving files and losing security context label
Booleans set incorrectly
Putting It All Together
Obtaining More Information on SELinux
Chapter 25: Securing Linux on a Network
Auditing Network Services
Evaluating access to network services
Using map to create a network services list
Using map to audit your network services advertisements
Controlling access to network services
Working with Firewalls
Understanding firewalls
Implementing firewalls
Understanding the iptables utility
Using the iptables utility
Part VI: Appendixes
Appendix A: Media
Getting Fedor
Getting Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Getting Ubuntu
Creating Linux CDs and DVDs
Burning CDs/DVDs in Windows
Burning CDs/DVDs on a Mac OS X system
Burning CDs/DVDs in Linux
Burning CDs from a Linux desktop
Burning CDs from a Linux command line
Booting Linux from a USB Drive
Appendix B: Exercise Answers .
Chapter 2: Creating the Perfect Linux Desktop
Chapter 3: Using the Shell
Chapter 4: Moving Around the Filesystem
Chapter 5: Working with Text Files
Chapter 6: Managing Running Processes
Chapter 7: Writing Simple Shell Scripts
Chapter 8: Learning System Administration
Chapter 9: Installing Linux
Chapter 10: Getting and Managing Software
Chapter 11: Managing User Accounts
Chapter 12: Managing Disks and Filesystems
Chapter 13: Understanding Server Administration
Chapter 14: Administering Networking
Chapter 15: Starting and Stopping Services
an FTP Server
Chapter 19: Configuring a Windows File Sharing (Samba) Server
Chapter 20: Confi guring an NFS File Server
Chapter 21: Troubleshooting Linux
Chapter 22: Understanding Basic Linux Security
Chapter 23: Understanding Advanced Linux Security
Chapter 24: Enhancing Linux Security with SELinux
Chapter 25: Securing Linux on a Network
Index .
Chapter 16: Configuring a Print Server .
Chapter 17: Configuring a Web Server
Chapter 18: Configuring


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