Online Public Access catalogue(OPAC)

“Library is a heart of an institution" ― Dr S. Radhakrishnan

“Never Stop Reading"

Banerjee, Gangadhar

Economics of Sustainable agriculture and Alternate Production Systems - New Delhi Ane Books Pvt. Ltd 2017 - 214

The book outlines the dynamics, issues and concerns of food security, sustainable development in agriculture, soil nutrients and water use efficiency, equitable distribution of gains, income and employment, etc. The book makes an attempt to describe the contribution of biotechnology in agriculture. It focuses on the major problems that have continued to plague Indian corporate farming like poor availability of quality seeds and planting materials; limited adoption of modern cultural and cultivation practices; delay and poor application of irrigation and technologies; scattered use of crop protection techniques; slow development of harvest and post-harvest technologies; inadequate storage and logistics and dearth of transport and road network. Both government and industry level initiatives have been discussed for developing future strategies. An endeavour was made to deliberate on corporate farming and contract farming – a vehicle for the transfer of technology, modernization of peasant small-holdings and the creation of a stable and politically conservative class of family. As for organic production, it requires highly focused attention to specifications, monitoring, procurement system and payment. A number of Dry Farm Technologies (DFTs) have been developed by different research institutes and universities in the country and also by ICRISA-T. An attempt has been made to outline the need of agro-based industry which provides crucial link between agriculture and industry sectors.Also, poultry farming —a dynamic agri-business –has been discussed.

The book will be of much help to students, teachers, researchers, economists, planners, policy makers, financial institutions, NGOs and others who are directly or indirectly benefitted from the book.

Section 1: Agriculture Strategies and Trade Opportunities
1. Indian Agriculture—A Vibrant and Cost Effective Sector
2. Indian Agriculture— Developments, Issues and Challenges 3. Some Aspects of Food Security

Section 2: Development Needs for Future Generations
4. Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development: Issues and Strategies
5. Biotechnology: The Second Green Revolution in Indian Agriculture
6. Organic Agriculture—A Consumer Driven Phenomenon

Section 3: Alternative Agricultural Production Systems
7. Corporate Farming
8. Contractual Farming
9. Dryland and Rainfed Farming—A Balance Strategy Vital
10. Features of Dry Farm Technologies (DFTs)
11. Agro-Based Industries
12. Poultry Farming in India—A Dynamic Agri-Business,



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