National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI)

Repair, Maintenance & Field Operation of Seed Drills: Sector: Agriculture (For Modular Employable Skills - Chennai National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI) c2010; 2011 - 45

Contents :
-Identify the tools for maintenance of seed drills
-Identify the components of seed drills,zero till drill and strip till drill
-Identify the types of seed materring devices and furrow openers
-Dismentle and assemble seed drills
-Calibrate and adjust seed drills
-Practice on the operation of seed drills
-Practice on the maintenance and storage of seed drills

2. Theory
-Tools for maintenance of seed drills
-Components of seed drills,zero till drill and strip till drill
-Type of seed metering devices and furrow openers
-Construction details of seed drill
-Calibration and adjustments of seed drills
-Operation of seed drills
-Maintenance and storage of seed drills

3.Assignment & Test


National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI)

Seed Drills

631.531 / NIM