National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI)

Sampling Tailor: Sector: Garment Making (For Modular Employable Skills) - Chennai National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI) c2009; 2013 - 185

1. Practical
-Identify Tools and Equipment
-Identify tools for specific Uses
-Familiarization of different type of sewing machines parts and function
-Preparation for sewing - Double needle lock stitch machine
-Identifying in over lock machine
-Preparation for sewing -Button stitching Machine
-Prepare sewing in Flat lock machine
-Prepare Feed off arm Machine
-Prepare shirt
-Prepare parallels Trousers
-Prepare parallels Trousers
-Prepare the Jeans pant
-Preparation for sewing0Dungries
-Prepare the vast Coat
-Prepare Yoked Skirt
-Prepare Divided Pleated Skirt
-Prepare Princess Line Dress
-Prepare Men's Jackets
-Prepare Women's jackets
-Identify Sewing Defects and do their remedies

2. Theory
-Tools and Equipments
-Different types of Sewing Machine
-Vest Coat
-Princess Line Dress
-Sewing Defects, Causes & Remedies

3. Assignment & test


National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI)

Garment Making

646.4 / NIM