National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI)

Cultivation of Vegetables: Sector: Agriculture (For Modular Employable Skills) - Chennai National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI) c2010; 2011 - 118

Contents :
-Identify ,use, maintain store tools and equipments
-Practice the driving of tractor
-Select soil,climate ,varieties and identify scope of vegetable cultivation
-Identify the equipment to prepare bed
-practice on the operation and calibration of seed drills,trans planter and methods of sowing
-Practice on the fertilizer applicator
-Practice on the selection and demonstration of intercultural operations
-Install irrigation equipments
-Perform safe operation ,maintenance ans calibration of plant -protection equipments
-Perform harvesting of vegetables manually/mechanically
-Practice packing and storing of vegetables
-Workout the cost of Cultivation

-Maintain store tools,equipments and clothing safety
-Tractor Driving
-Soil ,Climate.Varieties and scope of Vegitable cultivation
-Equipments to prepare seed bed
-Operation and calibration of seed drills tranplanter and methods of sowing
-Fertilizer applicator
-Intercultural operations
-Irrigation methods.water requirment and moisture conservation techniques
-Safe operations, maintenance , adjustments and calibration of -plant protection equipments
-harvesting of Vegetable by manually/mechanically
-Packaging and storing
-Cost of cultivation and marketing

3.Assignment & Test


National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI)


635.3 / NIM