National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI)

Cultivation of Fodder: Sector: Agriculture (For Modular Employable Skills) - Chennai National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI) c2010; 2014 - 80

Contents :
1. Practical
-Identify use,maintain store tools and equipments
-Practice tha driving of tractor
-Select the soil and improved varieties of fodder
-Operate mower, forage harvester and reaper windrower
-Operate hay rake,hay baler and tipping trailer
-Operate chaff cutter and silage loader
-Install irrigation equipments
-Practice on the rescue methods from rats
-Practice on the maintenance of fodder harvesting equipments
-Practice on the methods of straw preparation from wheat and briquettes from paddy residue
-Calculate the cost of cultivation


-Tools and Implements
-Tractor Driving
-Soil and its improved varieties
-Mower ,forage harvester and reaper windrower
-Hay raker,hay baler and tipping trailer
-Chaff cutter silage loader
-Irrigation equipments
-Fodder rescue methods from rats
-Maintenance of fodder harvesting equipments
-Methods of straw preparation from wheat and briquettes from paddy residue
-Fodder packaging and storing
-Cost of cultivation

3. Assignment & Test


National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI)


631.5 / NIM