Schlichting, Hermann

Boundary-Layer Theory - 6th - New York Mc Graw Hill Book Company 1968 - 747

Contents :
Part A : Fundamental laws of motion for a viscous fluid
Chapter 1 : Outline of fluid motion with friction
Chapter 2 : Outline of boundary-layer thery
Chapter 3 : Derivation of equations of motion of a compressible viscous fluid (Navier -Stocks equations )
Chapter 4 : General properties of the Navier-Stokes equations
Chapter 5 : Exact solutions of the Navier -Stokes equation
Chapter 6 : Very slow motion

Part B : Laminar boundary layers

Chapter 7 Boundary layer equation for two-dimensional flow ; boundary on a place
Chapter 8 : General properties of the boundary - layer eqations
Chapter 9 : Exact solution of the steady -state boundary -layer equations in two dimensional motion
Chapter 10 : Approximate methods for the solution of the two-dimensional ,steady boundary -layer equations
Chapter 11 : Axially symmetrical and three -dimensional boundary layers
Chapter 12 : Thermal boundary layers in laminar flow
Chapter 13 Laminar boundary in natural flow
Chapter 14 :Boundary -layer control in laminar flow
Chapter 15 : Non-Steady boundary layers

Part C : Transition

Chapter 16 : Origin of turbulence I
Chapter 17 : Origin of turbulence II

Part D Turbulent boundary layers

Chapter 18 :Fundamentals of turbulent flow
Chapter 19 :Theoretical assumption for the calculations of turbulent flows
Chapter 20 :Turbulent flow through pipes
Chapter 21 :Turbulent boundary layers at zero pressure gradient ;flat plate ;rotation disks ; roughness
Chapter 22 : The incompressible turbulent bounadary layer with pressure gradient
Chapter 23 : Turbulent boundary layers in compressible flow
Chapter 24 : Free tubulent flow ; jets and wakes
Chapter 25 Determination of profile drag

Prof. S. C. Bhaduri


629.13237 / SCH