
Cunningham’s Manual of Practical Anatomy Volume 3 : Head and Neck and Brain - 15th - Oxford Oxford University Press 1986; c1966 - 346

Contents :
The Head and neck
-The cervical Vertebrae
-The skull
-The Scalp, the temple and the face
-The side of the neck
-The dissection of the neck
-The anterior triangle of the neck
-The cranial cavity
-The deep dissection of the neck
-The prevertebral region
-The Deeper dissection of face
-The Orbit
-The Orbit
-The parotid region
-The temporal and infratemporal regions
-The submandibular region
-The Mouth and the pharynx
-The Cavity of the nose
-The larynx
-The tongue
-The organs of hearing and eqilibration
-The eyeball
-The contents of the vertebral canal
-The joints of the neck

The Brain
-The membranes of the brain (meanings)
-The blood vessels of the brain
-The base of the brain
-The hindbrain
-The mindbrain
-The cerebrum
-The lateral ventricle and the choroid fissure
-The deep dissection of the hemisphere
-The thalami and the optic tracts
-The deep nuclei of the telencephalon
-The nuclei and connections of the thalamus
-Craniocerebra topography
The development of the head and brain
Transverse Section and CT scans of head and neck
-The bones of the cervical vertebrare and skull


Prof. S. C. Bhaduri


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