Bornczyk,Timothy, and others

Beginning PHP6, Apache, MySQL Web Development - New Delhi Willey India Pvt Ltd 2011; c2009 - 807


Part I: Movie Review Web Site

Chapter 1 Configuring your Installation
Chapter 2 Creating PHP Pages Using PHP6
Chapter 3 Using PHP with MySQL
Chapter 4 Using Tables to Display Data
Chapter 5 From Elements: Letting the User Work with Data
Chapter 6 Letting the User Edit the Database
Chapter 7 Manipulating and Creating Image Images with PHP
Chapter 8 Validating User Input
Chapter 9 Handling and Avoiding Errors

Part II: Comic Book Fan Site

Chapter 10 Building Databases
Chapter 11 Sending E-mail
Chapter 12 User Logins, Profiles, and Personalization
Chapter 13 Building a Content Management system
Chapter 14 Mailling Lists
Chapter 15 Online Store
Chapter 16 Creating a Bulletin Board System
Chapter 17 Using Log Files to Improve Your Site
Chapter 18 Troubleshooting


Prof. S. C. Bhaduri


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