Zobel, B J

Wood Variation: Its causes and control - Berlin Springer-Verlag c1989 - 363

Wood is the usual end product of a forestry operation. Because of its importance, numerous studies have been made relative to wood prop­ erties, the causes of wood variation, and how best to develop wood for desired products. There is voluminous literature related to these subjects, but it is neither well known nor appreciated by foresters because the publications are often not available or are not well understood by the forester or by those who use the wood. Frequently, the literature is confusing and contradictory, making it difficult for the nonspecialist to use what information is available. In order to produce and use wood efficiently, the variation pat­ terns within trees, among trees within species, and among species must be understood. This also requires some knowledge of the causes of variation and the effects of different wood properties upon utiliza­ tion. The information about variation patterns, their causes, and con­ trol and effect upon the product must be known by the tree grower, the tree breeder, and the tree harvester as well as by those who ultimately convert wood into a final, salable product.


Wood Variation and Wood Properties

The Effect of Provenance Variation and Exotic Plantations on Wood Properties

Variation Within and Among Trees

Wood Property Variation as Related to Tree Form and Reaction Wood

The Effect of Growth Rate on Wood Properties

Wood Properties Affected by Environmental, Biological, and Other External Agencies

The Effect of Silvicultural Practices on Wood Properties

Control of Wood Properties by Breeding

Future Importance of Knowing and Manipulating Wood Variability


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