Sudha, G. S.

Dynamics of Business Entrepreneurship - Jaipur RBSA Publishers 2007 - 458

Concept of Entrepreneurship
Profile of Entrepreneur
Emergence of Entrepreneurial Class: The Historical Sketch
Risk-Taking Ability of an Entrepreneur
Entrepreneurial Leadership
Entrepreneurial Decision Making
Business Planning by Entrepreneur
Theories of Entrepreneurship
Socio-Economic Environment and Entrepreneurship
Promotion of a New Venture
Analysis of Entrepreneurial Opportunities
Analysis of External Environment and Competitive Factors
Legal Requirements for Establishment of a New Unit
Financing the New Enterprise: Raising of Funds
Venture Capital Financing and Documents Required
Entrepreneurial Behaviour
Psychological Theories of Entrepreneurship
Innovation and Entrepreneur
Social Responsibility of Entrepreneurs
Entrepreneurial Development Programmes
Role of Government in Entrepreneurial Development
Role of Entrepreneur in Economic Growth
Role of Entrepreneur as an Innovator
Role of Entrepreneur in Generation of Employment and Supplementing the Growth
Role of Entrepreneur in Bringing about Social Stability
Role of Entrepreneur in Balanced Regional Development of Industries
Export Promotion and Entrepreneur
Role of Entrepreneur in Import Substitution
Role of Entrepreneur in Forex Earnings
Augmenting and meeting Local Demand by Entrepreneurs
Plant Layout
Scheduling and Sequence Analysis
Women Entrepreneurs
Project Management
Project Overview
Project Planning


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