Babu, A. K.

Electric & Hybrid Vehicles - New Delhi Khanna Book Publishing Co (P) Ltd. 2019 - 158

This concise book has been designed for easy reading and to meet the critical skill requirements of students in the branches of Automobile Engineering and Mechanical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. The contents are presented in 22 lucid chapters. The book deals with the fundamentals, electric vehicles (EVs), hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), and fuel cell vehicles (FCVs). It comprehensively presents vehicle performance, configuration, and control strategy for different electric and hybrid electric vehicles.

This coursebook is intended for use as a Textbook and as a primary Reference book by colleges and technical universities offering core and elective subjects like Electric and Hybrid Vehicles and New Generation Vehicles.

1. Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics

2. Electric Vehicle Evolution

3. Electric Vehicle

4. Classification of EVs

5. Energy Sources

6. Electric Motor

7. Control System

8. Configurations of Electric Vehicles

9. Performance of Electric Vehicles

10. Charging

11. Indian Electric Vehicles

12. Hybrid Vehicles

13. Hybridisation

14. Drive Configurations of Hybrid Electric Vehicles

15. Performance of Hybrid Vehicles

16. Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle (FCEV)

17. Comparison

18. Hybrid Cars in India

19. Steering System for EVs and HEVs

20. Suspension System for EVs and HEVs

21. Brake System for EVs

22. Best Electric and Hybrid Cars




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