Santra, S C

Environmental Science - 3rd - Kolkata New Central Book Agency (P) Ltd. 2016 - 1529

Contents :
Scetion I : Principles And Contents

1.Environment Science : General Perspectives
2.Environmental Components
3.Origin and Evolution of Biosphere-Matter ,Energy and life

Sction II : Resources and Ecosystem

4.Natural Resources
6.Biological Resoureces ; Assesment and management
7.Ecological Succession

Section III: Pollution

9.Environmental Pollution (General)
10.Air Polluttion
11.Water Pollution
12.Marine Pollution
13.Land Pollution
14.Noise Pollution
15.Solid Wastes

Section IV : Current Environmental Issues

16.Global Warming and Green house Effect
17.Global ozone Problem
18.Acid Rain
19.Atmosphere Turbidity and Nuclear Winter
20.Global Carbon Dioxide -Rise and Impact on Bioshphere
21.Vehicular Pollution
22.Radiation Hazards
23.Environmental Degradation
24.Energy Management
25Environmental Toxicology
26.Remote Sensing
28.Environment and Agriculture
29.Environment Biotechnology
30.Natural Disasters

Section V : Environmental Health and Environment
32.World Health Report
33.Immunology and Human Diseases
35.Environmental Risk Assesment

36.Standards For Environmental Quality Assessment and Monitoring
37.Environmental Impact Assesment
38. Environmental Audit
39.Life Cycle Assesment and Industrial Ecology

Section VII : Environment Development,Trade and
Environmental Economics

40.Environment and Development
41.Trade and Environment
42.Environmental Economics

Section VIII : Environmental Laws ,Rules and Regulations

43.Environmental Laws
44.Ministry of Environment
45.Bio-Medical Waste (Management and Handling) Rules,1998
46.Municiple Solid Waste (Management And Handling ) Rules.2000
47.Envirnmental Clearances and Prevention and Control of Pollution
48.Sitting Guideline for Industries
49.Coastal Regulations :Notification
50.Brief Note on Statutory Obligations of Industries in respect of Environment Laws in West Bengal
51.Pollution Regulation status in West Bengal
52.National Conservation Strategy and policy Statement on Envirment and Development
53.Policy Statement for Abatement of Pollution
54. National Environmental Policy , 2006

Section IX : Environmental Modelling ,Indutrial Pollution
Management and Environmental Planning

55.Modelling in Environmental Science
56.Industrial Pollution Management : Thermal Power Plant
57.Environmental Planning
58.Physical Environmentment-Weather and Climate
59.Green Chemistry

Section X : Analytical Techniques ,Statistical Applications in Environment Science,Instrumentation Techniques

60.Analytical Techniques in Environmental Quality Assessment
61.Application of Statistics in Environmental Science
62.Principles of Analytical Methods and Instrunentation Techniques

Section XI : Environmental Education,Movement,Conventions and Treaty

63.Environmental Education
64.Environmental Movement.


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Environment Science

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