Kaduskar, R G

Principles of Electromagnetics - New Delhi Wiley India Pvt. Ltd. India 2013,c2010 - 293

Principles of Electromagnetics is designed as a text for undergraduate students of electronics and telecommunications engineering. The book contains materials related to static electric field and its behavior in conducting and dielectric medium with boundary conditions, and has wide coverage of topics on energy, potential and capacitance concepts. The text explains topics on magnetostatic, magnetic materials and the behavior of magnetic field. It further handles the theory related to time varying fields and Maxwell's equations that help in understanding the concept of electromagnetic wave and power flow analysis using Poynting theorem.Written in a student-friendly manner, the text includes detailed coverage of fundamentals of electromagnetic field and simplification techniques using vector analysis, differential and integral calculus.

1. Mathematical Approach to Electromagnetic Field

• Introduction

• Scalars and Vectors

• Vector Algebra

• Coordinate Systems

2. Differential and Integral Approach in Electromagnetic Theory

• Differentiation of Scalars

• Differentiation of Vectors

• Integration of Scalars and Vectors

• Laplacian Operation

• Helmholtz’s Theorem

3. Static Electric Field

· Introduction

· Electric Charge or Point Charge

· Electric Field Intensity

· Charge Distribution

· Electric Field Intensity

· Field Lines and its Mathematical Representation

· Gauss’s Law

· Gauss’s Law for Differential Volume Element

4. Steady Electric Current

· Introduction

· Ohm’s Law

· Conduction in Various Materials

· Continuity Relation for Current

5. Energy and Potential

· Introduction

· Scalar Potential

· Positive Work and Negative Work

· Potential Difference and Potential

· Energy Density

6. Static Electric Field in Dielectrics

· Introduction

· Behavior of Conductors under Uniform Electric Field

· Dielectric or Insulating Materials

· Laplace Equation and Their Applications

· Poisson’s Equation

· Uniqueness Theorem

· Laplace’s Equation in Two Dimensions

7. Static Magnetic Field

· Introduction

· Magnetic Force or Ampere’s Force Law

· Biot-Savart Law

· Ampere’s Circuit Law

· Magnetic Induction or Magnetic Flux Density and Magnetic Flux

· Magnetic Vector Potential

8. Magnetic Field and Magnetic Materials

· Introduction

· Magnetization

· Different Types of Magnetic Materials

· Boundary Conditions of Magnetic Field in Two Media

· Energy Stored in a Magnetic Field

· Inductors and Inductance

9. Time-Varying Field and Maxwell’s Equations

· Introduction

· Charged Particles Moving in a Static Magnetic Field

· Faraday’s Experiment and Law

· Capacitor and Displacement Current

· Modified Ampere’s Law

· Maxwell’s Equations

10. Numerical Electromagnetic and Applications

· Introduction

· Variable Separation Method

· Finite Difference Method

· Method of Images

· Moment Method or Method of Moments

· Finite Element Method

Appendix I Symbols and Units

Appendix II Physical Constants

Appendix III Some Useful Material Constants

Appendix IV Conversion Factors

Appendix V Prefixes and Power of 10

Appendix VI Selected Numerical Constants

Appendix VII Trigonometric Identities

Appendix VIII Derivatives and Integrals

Appendix IX Special Mathematical Equations

Appendix X MATLAB




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