National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI)

Basic Digital Electronics : Sector Electronics (For Centres of Excellence) - Chennai National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI) 2014,c2009 - 144

Identify and Test Ic(s) Using IC Tester
Construct and Test not Gate Circuits
Construct and Test Logic Probe and Logic Level Indicator Circuits
Construct and Test OR & NOR Gate Circuits
Construct and Test Flip Flop and Multivibrator Circuits
Construct and Test and NAND Gate Circuits
Construct and Test Ex-OR Gate Circuits
Construct and Test The Circuits of R-S Flip Flop Using NAND Gates
Construct and Test D Flip Flop and Latch
Construct and Test A Quiz Game Switch Using D-latch
Construct and Test J-k Flip Flop
Construct and Test a Binary Counter
Construct and Test an Up/down Decade Counter
Construct and Test Shift Registers
Construct and Test Decade Counter on Seven Segment Display
Construct and test a half adder and full adder circuits
Construct and test Adder cum Subtractor circuit
Construct and Test Multiplexer and Demultiplexer Circuits
Data Transmission Using Multiplexer and Demultiplexer Circuits
Construct and Test an Analog to Digital Converter
Construct and Test a Digital to Analog Converter
Construct and test a simple interruption counter
Construct and Test A Two Digit Multiplexed Display
Construct a Digital Clock
Test and Operate a Digital Clock
Ring Counter
Digital Comparator
Priority encoders
Make a Printed Circuit Board for Power Supply Manually
Simulate a Circuit Using Pspice Orcad Capture

Digital IC Families and their Operational Characteristics
Number Systems, NOT Gate Circuits
Logic probe and logic level indicator
OR and NOT gare circuits
Basic flip flops and multivibrator circuits
AND and NAND gate circuits
EX-OR and EX-NOR gate circuits
Latch Circuits and Applications
Quiz Game Switch Circuit
J K Flip Flop Circuits
Counter Circuits
Up/down counters
Shift Registers and their Applications
BCD Decoders and Seven Segment Displays
Binary Arithmetic
Multiplexer and Demultiplexers
Analog to Digital Converter
Interfacing the Digital and Analog Signals
Simple Interruption Counter
Multiplexed Displays
Digital Clock
Ring Counter
Digital Comparator
Priority encoder
Printed Circuits Boards-Etching, Component Side Marking and Mounting Components
Pspice Orcad Capture-Simulating Tool


National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI)

Electronics : Centres of Excellence

621.382 / BAS