National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI)

Basic Fitting & Soldering : Sector Electronics (For Cenres of Excellence) - Chennai National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI) 2014,c2009 - 293

Measurement of linear dimensions
Measurement of linear and cylindrical dimensions

Use of fire extinguisher
Channel (Filing flat & Square)
Filing flat surface
Checking flatness and squareness
Marking lines parallel to the edge of the job
Filing flat & square
Layout and marking
Marking lines parallel to the edge of the job
Filing flat & square
Layout and marking
Marking parallel lines using surface gauge
Cleaning files
Bench vice
Hacksawing (Holding-pitch selection)
Drilling tapping counterboring and external threading (dies)
Internal threading of through holes using hand taps
Internal threading blind holes using hand taps
External threading using dies
Chipping flat surfaces
Sharpening of chisels
Angular fitting
Sawing along the grain on carpenter's bench vice
Oblique sawing across the grain
Planing along the grain
Planing to size
Cross Half lap loint
Mitre Half lap joint
Mitre joint marking
Half lapped Dovetail joint
Mark and cut through the straight lines
Flattening the sheet metal
Measuring and marking the sheet metal
Cutting the sheet metal along a straight line by straight snips
Mark and cut along the curved lines
Transfer the measurement from the steel rule to the wing compass
Mark curved lines
Cutting along curved lines
Sharpening of snips
Mark and cut the geometrical shapes
Construct a square
Construct a circle inside a square
Construct a hexagon inside a circle
Construct a pentagon inside a circle
Construct an equilateral triangle inside a circle
Cut geometrical shapes
Cutting and folding-Clamp
Deburr by file
Check the flatness by a trysquare
Fold at right angle using folding bars
Fold at right angle using an angle iron
Checking the perpendicularity of the job by a trysquare
Punching holes using solid punch
Folding at right angles on bar folder for angle suppo0rt
Setting & Folding
Single hemming on the straight edge by hand process
Folding at right angle using a hatchet stake
Single hemming
Locked grooved joint
Marking and forming
Double hemming by hand process
Marking and folding
Develop, cut, fold and form a rectangular box (Paper tray)
Developing and cutting
Single riveted lap joint
Layout the spacing for rivet holes to make a single riveted lap joint
Drilling on sheet metal by power operated portable drilling machine Riveting snap head rivet
Double riveted lap joint
Layout the spacing for rivet holes to make double riveted lap joint (chain seam)
Removing rivets from sheet metal by drilling
Removing rivets from sheet metal by punching
Hand lever bench shears
Using a lazy tong (hand operated) mechanism
Double riveted lap joint (Zigzag seam)
Layout the spacing for rivet holes (zig-zag seam)
Forming the rivet head to make the strong joint
Soldered lap joint
Preparing the soft solders
Preparing the soft solders
Preparing the working point of soldering bit
Tacking and soldering the joint
Single plated soldered butt joint
Making a single plated soldered butt joint
Make simple wire joints
Crimping lugs with cable ends
Tinning and soldering the joints
Wire up in PVC conduit to control one lamp form two different places.

1. Introduction to metrology
SI units of measurement
2. Selection of instrument
Outside Micrometers
Graduationns of metric outside micrometer
Reading dimensions with outside micrometers
Inside Micrometer-METRIC
Depth Micrometers
Combination set
Vernier ca;ipers
Graduations and reading of vernier calipers
Vernier micrometer graduation and reading
Vernier height Gauge
Dial test indicators
3. Safety Practice
Safety Practice- Fire extinguishers
Types of fire extinguishers
4. Elements of a File
File shapes
Shapes of files
Pinning of files
5. Types of Marking Punches
Try Square
Marking Media
6. Jenny of Calipers
Surface plates
Surface gauges
Angle plates
Angular measuring instruments (Semi-precision)
Vernier bevel protractor
Graduations on universal bevel protractor
Reading of universal bevel protractor
7. Hacksaw frame and blade
Bench vice
Types of vices
Leg vice
8. Drill (Parts and functions)
Drill Angles
Drilling defects and causes
Angles of chisel
Radius gauges
9. Contersinking
Counteboring and spot facing
Drilling machines
Drill-Holding Devices
Work-holding devices
Cutting speed and RPM
Feed in drilling
'VEE' threads
Screw pitch gauge
Screw thread and elements
Forms of screw threads
10. Hand taps and wrenches
Die and die stock
Tap Drill Size
Blank size for external threading
Radial drilling machines
Drilling machines (Portable type)
Bolts and studs
Types of nuts
11. General precautions and safety measures
Carpenter's pencil & marking instruments (Tools)
Carpenter's work bench
Carpenters' vice
Try square and Mitre aquare
Saw horse or trestle
Straight edge
Kinds of Saws
12. Chisels commonly used in carpentry
Marking tools
'T' bevel or bevel square
13. Planes
Marking gauge
Winding strips
Oil stone
14 Mortise gauge
Files and Rasps
Tool Box
15 The Mallet
Mitre box and mitre block
Plumb bob
Shooting board and planning trough
Trammel points
Spirit level
16. General classification of joints
Half lap joints
Wooden trysquare
17. Housing joints
Mortise and Tenon joints
Miscellaneous hand tools
Dovetail joints
18. Properties of Good timber
Conversion of Timber
Advantages and disadvantages of conversion of timber
Indian Timbers
19. Introduction of the trade
Straight snips
20. Mallets
Straight edge
Types of Shears
Dot Punch
Ball Pane Hammer
Wingh compass
Bend snips
Tinman's "L:" Square
Stakes and their uses
21. Trammels
22. Manual folding
Folding bars
Angle iron
Hatchet stage
Folding the sheet metal, using hard wooden piece and c clamps 'C' Clamp
Hand seamer
23. Bar folder/ Bench folder
Portable shearing and Nibbling Machines
Squaring Shear
24. Hemming
Bevel edged steel plate
Dressing plate
25. & 26. Locked grooved joint (Seam)
Double hemming by Hand Process
27. Double hemming by machine process
Advantages of hemming by machine process over hemming by hand process
28. Rivets- Types & Uses
Rivets Proportions
Riverted Joints
Tools for hand riveting
Spacing of rivets in joints
Defect in rivetted joints
Caulking and fullering
29. Layout the spacing of rivet holes in chain riveting Hand lever shears
Special sheet metal rivets and their applications
30. Zig-Zag Riveting
Tubular Bifurcated and metal Piercing rivets
31. Soldering
soldering iron (soldering bit)
Soldering Flux
Protable hand forge with blower
Dipping Solution
Safety Precautions in Soldering
32. Soft soldering
soldered Joint
Blow lamp
Electric soldering iron
Sweating or sweat soldering
Factors considered while soldering
Successful soldering
33. Conductors and insulators
Various types of wire joints
34. Crimping & crimping tool
35 & 36. Electrical soldering- types of solders, flux


National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI)

Electronics : Centres of Excellence

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