National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI)

Repair & Maintenance of Washing Machine and Microwave Oven : For Modular Employable Skills - Chennai National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI) 2016,c2008 - 70

Semi Automatic Washing Machine
Servicing Semi Automatic Washingh Machine- I
Identification of external and internal parts of a fully automatic washing machine & basic servicing
Servicing fully Automatic Washing Machine
Identifying the different controls and the major internal parts/ components of a Microwave oven and also service the complaint "Dead Set"
Servicing of Microwave oven with the complaint "No response to any buttons on the touch pad" & "Microwave oven does not respond to start"
Servicing of Microwave oven with the complaint "Long cooking time" & "Fuse blows on initiating cook cycle"

Semi Automatic Washing Machine
Trouble of Shooting Semi Automatic Washing Machine-I
Fully Automatic Washing Machine & Basic Trouble Shooting
Trouble Shooting Fully Automatic Washing Machine\
Introduction to Microwave Oven
Trouble shooting Microwave Oven with the Complaint " No Resonse to any Buttons on Touch Pad & No Cooking Taking Place"
Trouble Shooting Microwave Oven with the Complaint "Long Cooking Time & Fuse Blows on Initiating Cook Cycle"


National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI)

Electronics : Modular Employable Skills
Washing Machine & Microwave Oven

621.3813 / REP