Discipline Name
Subject Name
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Adv. Digital Signal Processing - Multirate and wavelets
Prof. V.M. Gadre
IIT Bombay
L1- Introduction
L2-The Haar Wavelet
L3-The Haar Multiresolution Analysis
L4-Wavelets And Multirate Digital Signal Processing
L5-Equivalence - Functions And Sequences
L6-The Haar Filter Bank
L7-Haar Filter Bank Analysis And Synthesis
L8-Relating psi, phi and the Filters
L9-Iterating the filter bank from Psi, Phi
L10-Z-Domain Analysis Of Multirate Filter Bank
L11-Two Channel Filter Bank
L12-Perfect Reconstruction - Conjugate Quadrature
L13-Conjugate Quadrature Filters - Daubechies Family of MRA
L14-Daubechies' Filter Banks - Conjugate Quadrature Filters
L15-Time And Frequency Joint Perspective
L16- Ideal Time Frequency Behaviour
L17- The Uncertainty Principle
L18- Time Bandwidth Product Uncertainty
L19- Evaluating and Bounding squareroot t.squareroot omega
L20- The Time Frequency Plane & its Tilings
L21- Short time Fourier Transform & Wavelet Transform in General
L22- Reconstruction & Admissibility
L23- Admissibility in Detail Discretization of Scale
L24- Logarithmic Scale Discretization, Dyadic Discretization
L25- The Theorem of (DYADIC) Multiresolution Analysis
L26- Proof of the Theorem of (DYADIC) Multiresolution Analysis
L27- Introducing Variants of The Multiresolution Analysis Concept
L28- JPEG 2000 5/3 FilterBank & Spline MRA
L29- Orthogonal Multiresolution Analysis with Splines
L30- Building Piecewise Linear Scaling Function, Wavelet
L31- The Wave Packet Transform
L32- Nobel Identities & The Haar Wave Packet Transform
L33- The Lattice Structure for Orthogonal Filter Banks
L34- Constructing the Lattice & its Variants
L35- The Lifting Structure & Polyphase Matrices
L36-The Polyphase Approach - The Modulation Approach
L-37 Modulation Analysis and The 3-Band Filter Bank, Applications
L38-The Applications *Data Mining, *Face Recognition
L39-Proof that a non-zero function can not be both time and band-limited
L40- M-Band Filter Banks and Looking Ahead
L41-Tutorial -Session 1
L42-Student's Presentation
L43-Tutorial on Uncertainty Product
L44-Tutorial on Two band Filter Bank
L45-Tutorial -Frequency Domain Analysis of Two band Filter Bank
L46-Zoom in and Zoom out using Wavelet Transform
L47-More Thoughts on Wavelets : Zooming In
L48-Towards selecting Wavelets through vanishing moments
L49-In Search of Scaling Coefficients
L50-Wavelet Applications
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Advanced Optical Communication
Prof. R.K. Shevgaonkar
IIT Bombay
L2-Basics of Light
L3-Ray Model -I
L4-Ray Model -II
L5-Wave Model-I
L6-Wave Model-II
L7-Wave Model-III
L8-Signal Distortion - I
L9-Signal Distortion - II
L10-Signal Distortion - III
L11-Practical issues in Implementation of Fiber link
L12-Optical Sources
L13-Light Emitting Diodes -I
L14-Light Emitting Diodes -II
L15-Laser - I
L16-Laser - II
L17-Laser - III
L18-Laser - IV
L19-Laser - V + Photon Detector
L20-Photo Diodes and Detector Noise
L21-Photo Detector
L22-Optical Receivers - I
L23-Optical Receivers - II
L24-Receiver Sensitivity Degradation
L25-Fiber Optic Link Design
L26-Wavelength Division Multiplexed Systems
L28-Integrated Optics - I
L29-Integrated Optics - II
L30-Tutorials -I
L31-Tutorials -II
L32-Introduction to Non-Linear Fiber Optics
L33-Non-linear Schrodinger Equation
L34-Group Velocity Dispersion (GVD)
L35-Self Phase Modulation (SPM)
L36-Solitonic Communication
L37-Raman Amplifier
L38-Cross Phase Modulation and four wave mixing
L39-Laboratory Experiments -I
L40-Laboratory Experiments -II
L41-Laboratory Experiments -III
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Broadband Networks: Concepts and Technology
Prof. Abhay Karandikar
IIT Bombay
Introduction to Broadband Networks
Qos in Packet Switching and ATM
ATM Networks
Effective Bandwidth - I
Effective Bandwidth - II
Traffic Descriptor in ATM
Calculus for QOS - I
Calculus For Qos - II
Packet Scheduling Algorithm Introduction
Fluid Fair Queueing and Weighted Fair Queueing
Virtual Time In Scheduling
Fairness of WFO and SCFO Scheduling Algorithms
Rate Proportional Servers
Latency Rate Servers - I
Latency Rate Servers - II And Delay Bounds
QOS In Best Effort Internet
TCP Congestion Control
Analysis of TCP
TCP Throughput
Buffer Management
IP Addressing Scheme
IP Addressing Lookup And Packet Classification
Multiple Label Switching (MPLS)
MPLS and Traffic Engineering
Optical Network and MPLS
Integrated Service Internet (IntServ) and RSVP
Differentiated Services Internet
Voice over IP
Metro Ethernet Access Networks
Metro Ethernet Access Networks
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Digital Communication
Prof. Bikash Kumar Dey
IIT Bombay
Introduction to Digital Communication
Quantization , PCM and Delta Modulation
Probability and Random Process
Probability and Random Processes (Part - 2)
Channels and their Models
Channels and their Models (Part -2)
Information Theory (Part - 1)
Information Theory (Part - 2)
Bandpass Signal Representation (Part 1)
Bandpass Signal Representation (Part - 2)
Digital Modulation Techniques (Part - 1)
Digital Modulation Techniques (Part - 2)
Digital Modulation Techniques (Part - 3)
Digital Modulation Techniques Part - 4
Digital Modulation Techniques Part - 5
Digital Modulation Techniques (Part - 6)
Digital Modulation Techniques (Part - 7)
Digital Modulation Techniques (part - 8)
Digital Modulation Techniques (Part - 9)
Digital Modulation Techniques (Part - 10)
Probability of Error Calculation
Calculation of Probability of Error
Calculation of Probability of Error
Source Coding (Part - 1)
Source Coding (Part - 2)
Source Coding Part - 3
Source Coding Part 4
Channel Coding
Fundamentals of OFDM
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Information Theory and Coding
Prof. S.N. Merchant
IIT Bombay
L1- Introduction to Information Theory and Coding
L2-Definition of Information Measure and Entropy
L3-Extention of An Information Source and Markov Source
L4-Adjoint of An Information Source, Joint and Conditional Information Measure
L5-Properties of Joint and Conditional Information Measures and A Morkov Source
L6-Asymptotic Properties of Entropy and Problem Solving in Entropy
L7-Block Code and its Properties
L8-Instantaneous Code and Its Properties
L9-Kraft-Mcmillan Equality and Compact Codes
L10-Shannon's First Theorem
L11-Coding Strategies and Introduction to Huffman Coding
L12-Huffman Coding and Proof of Its Optamality
L13-Competitive Optamality of The Shannon Code
L14-Non-Binary Huffman Code and Other Codes
L15-Adaptive Huffman Coding Part-I
L16-Adaptive Huffman Coding Part-II
L17-Shannon-Fano-Elias Coding and Introduction to Arithmetic Coding
L18-Arithmetic Coding Part-I
L19-Arithmetic Coding Part-II
L20-Introdution to Information Channels
L21-Equivocation and Mutual Information
L22-Properties of Different Information Channels
L23-Reduction of Information Channels
L24-Properties of Mutual Information and Introdution to Channel Capacity
L25-Calculation of Channel Capacity for Different Information Channels
L26-Shannon's Second Theorem
L27-Discussion On Error Free Communication Over Noisy Channel
L28-Error Free Communication Over A Binary Symmetric Channel and Introdution to Continous Sources and Channels
L29-Differential Entropy and Evaluation of Mutual Information for Continuous Sources and Channels
L30-Channel Capacity of A BandLimited Continuous Channel
L31-Introduction to Rate-Distortion Theory
L32-Definition and Properties of Rate-Distortion Functions
L33-Calculation of Rate-Distortion Functions
L34-Computational Approach for Calculation of Rate-Distortion Functions
L35-Introdution to Quantization
L36-Lloyd-Max Quantizer
L37-Companded Quantization
L38-Variable Length Coding and Problem Solving in Quantizer Design
L39-Vector Quantization
L40-Transform Coding Part-I
L41-Transform Coding Part-II
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Optical Communication
Prof. R.K. Shevgaonkar,Prof. D.K. Ghosh
IIT Bombay
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Transmission Lines and EM Waves
Prof. R.K. Shevgaonkar
IIT Bombay
Electronics & Communication Engineering
VLSI Design
Prof. A.N. Chandorkar
IIT Bombay
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Signals and Systems
Prof. V.M. Gadre
IIT Bombay
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Transmission Lines and EM Waves
Prof. R.K. Shevgaonkar
IIT Bombay
Introduction to EM waves and various techniques of communication
Equations of Voltage and Current on TX line
Propagation constant, Characteristic impedance and reflection coefficient
Impedance Transformation
Loss-less and Low loss Transmission line and VSWR
Power transfer on TX line
Smith Chart
Admittance Smith Chart
Experimental setup for transmission line measurements
Applications of transmission lines
Applications of transmission lines-II
Impedance Matching
Lossy Transmission Line
Problems on Transmission line
Types of transmission line
Basics of Vectors
Vector calculus
Basic laws of Electromagnetics
Maxwell\\\'s Equations
Boundary conditions at Media Interface
Uniform plane wave
Propagation of wave
Wave polarization
Pioncere\\\'s Sphere
Wave propagation in conducting medium
Wave propagation and phase velocity
Power flow and Poynting vector
Surface current and power loss in a conductor
Plane wave in arbitary direction
Plane wave at dielectric interface
Reflection and refraction at media interface
Total internal reflection
Polarization at media interface
Reflection from a conducting boundary
Parallel plane waveguide
Wave propagation in parallel plane waveguide
Analysis of waveguide general approach
Rectangular waveguide
Modal propagation in rectangular waveguide
Surface currents on the waveguide walls
Field visualization and Attenuation in waveguide
Attenuation in waveguide continued
Radiation (Antenna)
Solution for potential function
Radiation form the Hertz dipole
Power radiated by hertz dipole
Thin linear antenna
Radiation Parameters of antenna
Receiving antenna
Monopole and Dipole antenna
Fourier transform relation between current and radiation pattern
Antenna arrays
Uniform Linear array
Uniform Linear array continued
Synthesis of array
Binomial array and general array synthesis
Problems on uniform plane wave
Problems on uniform plane wave in a meduim
Problems on waveguides
Problems on Antennas and radiation
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Communication Engineering
Prof. Surendra Prasad
IIT Delhi
Introduction to Communication Engineering
Communication channel
Brief Review of Signal and Systems
The Hilbert Transform
Analytic Representation of band pass Signals
Fundamentals of Analog Signal Transmission
Analog Modulation of Carriers
Amplitude Modulation
Amplitude Modulation
Single Sideband Modulation
Suppressed Sideband Modulation
VSB Modulation - Superhet Receiver
Superhet Receiver etc
Practical Mixers-Effects of Tonal
Angle Modulation
Angle Modulation
Generation of FM Signals
FM Generation and Detection
Demodulation of Angle Modulated Signals
Demodulation of Angle Modulated Signals
Demodulation of Angle Modulated Signals
Feedback Demodulators - phase locked loop
The Phase Locked Loop
Frequency Compressive Feedback Demodulator
FM Receivers
TV Transmission
Review of Probability Theory and Random Process
Review of Probability Theory and Random Variables
Random Processes
Random Processes
Random Processes
Gaussian Random Processes
Behaviour of Communication System
Performance of AM Systems in Noise
Noise in AM and Angle Modulation Systems
Noise in Phase and Frequency Modulation systems
Noise in Angle Modulation
Pre emphasis - De emphasis
Pulse Modulation Schemes - PWM and PPM
Data Modulation
Pulse Code Modulation
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Digital Signal Processing
Prof. S.C. Dutta Roy
IIT Delhi
Digital Signal Processing Introduction
Digital Signal Processing Introduction Contd
Digital Systems
Characterization Description, Testing of Digital Systems
LTI Systems Step & Impulse Responses, Convolution
Inverse Systems,Stability,FIR & IIR
FIR & IIR; Recursive & Non Recursive
Discrete Time Fourier Transform
Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)
DFT (Contd.)
DFT (Contd.) Introduction to Z Transform
Z Transform
Z Transform (Contd.)
Discrete Time Systems in the Frequency Domain
Simple Digital Filters
All Pass Filters,Com.Filters
Linear Phase filters, Complementary Transfer Fn
Compensatory Transfer Functions, (Contd.)
Test for Stability using All Pass Functions
Digital Processing of Continuous Time Signals
Problem Solving Session: FT, DFT,& Z Transforms
Problem Solving Session: FT,DFT, & Z Transforms
Analog Filter Design
Analog Chebyshev LPF Design
Analog Filter Design (Contd.): Transformations
Analog frequency Transformation
Problem Solving Session on Discrete Time System
Digital Filter Structures
IIR Realizations
All Pass Realizations
Lattice Synthesis (Contd.)
FIR Lattice Synthesis
FIR Lattice (Contd.) and Digital Filter Design
IIR Filter Design
IIR Design by Bilinear Transformation
IIR Design Examples
Digital to Digital Frequency Transformation
FIR Design
FIR Digital Filter Design by Windowing
FIR Design by Windowing & Frequency Sampling
Solving Problems on DSP Structures
FIR Design by Frequency Sampling
FIR Design by Frequency Sampling (Contd.)
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Semiconductor Devices
Dr. G.S. Visweswaran
IIT Delhi
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Digital Circuits
Prof. Anil Mahanta,Prof. Roy Paily Palanthinkal
IIT- Guwahati
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Electromagnetic Fields
Dr. Ratnajit Bhattacharjee
IIT- Guwahati
Electronics & Communication Engineering
IC Technology
Prof. Roy Paily Palanthinkal,Prof. Indrajit Chakraborty
IIT- Guwahati
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Probability and Random Processes
Prof. Prabin K Bora
IIT- Guwahati
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Digital Image Processing
Prof. Sumana Gupta
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Digital Signal Processing
Prof. Govind Sharma
Electronics & Communication Engineering
High Speed Semiconductor Devices
Prof. Anjan Ghosh
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Microcontrollers and Applications
Dr. S.P. Das
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Communication Networks and Switching
Prof. S.L. Maskara
IIT Kharagpur
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Digital Communication
Prof. R.V. Rajakumar,Prof. Saswat Chakrabarti
IIT Kharagpur
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Multimedia processing
Prof. Somnath Sengupta
IIT Kharagpur
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Analog Circuits
Prof. Pramod Agarwal
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Basic Electronics
Prof. Pramod Agarwal
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Information Theory and Coding
Prof. Pavan S Nuggehalli
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Wireless Communication
Prof. Ranjan Bose
IIT Delhi
Motivation and Introduction
Types of Wireless communication
The modern wireless Communication Systems
The cellular concept - System Design issues
Cell capacity and reuse
Interference and System capacity
Improving coverage and system capacity
Mobile Radio Propagation
Mobile Radio Propagation Contd
Mobile Radio Propagation Contd
Mobile Radio Propagation Contd
Mobile Radio Propagation Contd
Mobile Radio Propagation Contd
Mobile Radio Propagation II
Mobile Radio Propagation II Contd
Mobile Radio Propagation II Contd
Mobile Radio Propagation II Contd
Mobile Radio Propagation II Contd
Mobile Radio Propagation II Contd
Mobile Radio Propagation II Contd
Modulation Techniques for Mobile Communication
Modulation Techniques (Contd.)
Modulation Techniques (Contd.)
Modulation Techniques (Contd.)
Modulation Techniques (Contd.)
Modulation Techniques (Contd.)
Modulation Techniques (Contd.)
Equalization and Diversity Techniques
Equalization and Diversity Techniques (Contd.)
Equalization and Diversity Techniques (Contd.)
Equalization and Diversity Techniques (Contd.)
Coding Techniques for Mobile Communications
Coding Techniques for Mobile Communications Contd
Coding Techniques for Mobile Communications Contd
Coding Techniques for Mobile Communications Contd
Wireless Networks
GSM and CDMA Contd
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Queuing Systems
Prof. S.K. Bose
IIT Guwahati
Introduction to Queueing Systems
Analysis of a Simple Queue
Basics of Markov Processes and Markov Chains
Markov Chains, Birth-Death Processes, Flow Balance
Kendall's Notation, Little's Result, PASTA, M/M/1/∞ Queue
M/M/m/∞, M/M/m/m, M/M/1/K Queues, Delay Analysis
Departure Process, Burke's Theorem
Method of Stages, Batch Arrivals
Residual Life Approach
Imbedded Markov Chain Approach
Delay Analysis
Analysis of M/G/1 queue
M/G/1 Queue with Multiple Vacations, Residual Life Approach
M/G/1 Queue with Multiple Vacations Imbedded Markov Chain Approach
M/G/1 Queue with Multiple Vacations, M/G/1 Queue with Exceptional First Service
Imbedded Markov Chain at Job Departure Instants
Imbedded Markov Chain at Batch Departure Instants
Different Types of Priority Operation
Analysis using the Residual Life Approach
Analysis using the Imbedded Markov Chain Approach
M/G/1/K Queue (Single Server Queue with Finite Capacity)
Analysis of the M/G/1/K queue
Proportionality Relationship, Alternate Analysis
Analyzing the G/M/1 Queue
Bounds and approximations for the G/G/1 and G/G/m Queues
Analyzing the M/G/m/m Queue
Introduction to Queuing Networks
Classificationof Queueing Networks
Fork-join Queues and Introduction to Blocking in Queueing Networks
Blocking Models in queueing Networks
Splitting and Combining Poisson Processes
Jackson's Theorem for Open Networks
Product Form Solution for Open Networks
Jackson's Theorem for Closed Networks
Using Jackson's Theorem for Closed Networks
Examples: Analysis of Open and closed Networks
Analysis of Closed Networks
Convolution Algorithm
Examples of analysis using Convolution Algorithm
Mean Value Analysis Algorithm
Examples of Analysis using MVA Algorithm
Norton's Theorem
Mixed Networks, QNA
Introduction to Discrete Time Queues
Geo/G/1 Queue-Late Arrival Model
Geo/G/1 Queue- early Arrival Model
Simulating a Queueing System
Processing Simulation Results
Problems-Markov Process and Markov Chains
Problems-Basics of Queuing
Problems- M/M/-/- Type Queues
Problems-M/G/1 Queue
Problems - Special Cases of the M/G/1 Queue
Problems- M/G/1 Queue with Batch Arrivals
Problems-Priority Operation of the M/G/1 Queue
Problems-M/G/1/K -Finite Capacity M/G/1 Queue
Problems- Open and Closed Networks of M/M/m Type Queues
Problems- Analyzing Closed Networks with Convolution and Mean Value Analysis Algorithms
Problems-Norton's Theorem, Mixed Networks, QNA
Problems-Discrete Time Queues
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Basic Electronics
Prof. Chitralekha Mahanta
IIT Guwahati
Semiconductor materials
PN Junction Diodes
Diode Equivalent Circuits
Diode Rectifier Circuits
Zener Diode and Applications
Clipping and Clamping Circuits
Transistor Operation - Part - 1
Transistor Operation Part - 2
Biasing the BJT
Biasing the BJT - Part - 2
BJT Small Signal Analysis
BJT Amplifier - Part - 1
BJT Amplifier Part - 2
Frequency Response of BJT Analysis - Part - 1
Bipolar Junction Transistors
Transistor as a Switch
MOSFET - Part -1
MOSFET - Part - 2
MOSFET under dc operation
Mosfet as an Amplifier
Small signal model of MOSFET - Part 1
Small signal model of MOSFET - Part 2
High Frequency model of mosfet
Junction Field Effect Transistor
Operational Amplifier Introduction
Ideal Op-Amp
Op-Amp applications Part -1
Op-Amp Applications Part -2
Op-Amp Applications Part - 3
The practical Op-Amp
Positive feedback and oscillation
Large Signal Amplifiers
Transformer Couple Power Amplifier
Class AB Operations of PowerAmplifier
Power BJTs
Regulated Power Supply
Four Layered Diode
Silicon Control Rectifier
SCR Applications
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Signals and Systems
Prof. K.S. Venkatesh
IIT Kanpur
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Advanced 3G and 4G Wireless Mobile Communications
Prof. Aditya K. Jagannatham
IIT Kanpur
Lecture-1-Introduction to 3G/4G Standards
Lecture-2-Wireless Channel and Fading
Lecture-3-Rayleigh Fading and BER of Wired Communication
Lecture-4- BER for Wireless Communication
Lecture 5 -Introduction to Diversity
Lecture 6 - Multi-antenna Maximal Ratio Combiner
Lecture7-BER with Diversity
Lecture 8-Spatial Diversity and Diversity Order
Lecture 9-Wireless Channel and Delay Spread
Lecture 10-Coherence Bandwidth of the Wireless Channel
Lecture 11-ISI and Doppler in Wireless Communications
Lecture 12-Doppler Spectrum and Jakes Model
Lecture 13-Introduction to CDMA, Spread Spectrum and LFSR
Lecture 14-Generation and Properties of PN Sequences
Lecture 15-Correlation of PN Sequences and Jammer Margin
Lecture 16-CDMA Advantages and RAKE Receiver
Lecture 17-Multi-User CDMA Downlink Part I
Lecture 18-Multi-User CDMA Downlink Part II
Lecture 19-Multi-User CDMA Uplink and Asynchronous CDMA
Lecture 20-CDMA Near-Far Problem and Introduction to MIMO
Lecture 21-MIMO System Model and Zero-Forcing Receiver
Lecture 22-MIMO MMSE Receiver and Introduction to SVD
Lecture 23-SVD Based Optimal MIMO Transmission and Capacity
Lecture 24-SVD Based Optimal MIMO Transmission and Capacity
Lecture 25-OSTBCs and Introduction to V-BLAST Receiver
Lecture 26-V-BLAST (Contd.) and MIMO Beamforming
Lecture 27- Introduction to OFDM and Multi-Carrier Modulation
Lecture 28-IFFT Sampling for OFDM
Lecture 29-OFDM Schematic and Cyclic Prefix
Lecture 30-OFDM Based Parallelization and OFDM Example
Lecture 31-OFDM Example (Contd.) and Introduction to MIMO-OFDM
Lecture 32- MIMO-OFDM (Contd.)
Lecture 33-Impact of Carrier Frequency Offset (CFO) in OFDM
Lecture 34-PAPR in OFDM Systems and Introduction to SC-FDMA
Lecture 35-SC-FDMA (Contd.) and Introduction of Wireless Propagation Models
Lecture 36-Ground Reflection and Okumura Models
Lecture 37-Hata Model and Log Normal Shadowing
Lecture 38-Link Budget Analysis
Lecture 39-Introduction to Teletraffic Theory
Lecture 40-Cellular Traffic Modeling and Blocking Probability
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Adaptive Signal Processing
Prof. Mrityunjoy Chakraborty
IIT Kharagpur
Introduction to Adaptive Filters
Introduction to Stochastic Processes
Stochastic Processes
Correlation Structure
FIR Wiener Filter (Real)
Steepest Descent Technique
LMS Algorithm
Convergence Analysis
Convergence Analysis (Mean Square)
Convergence Analysis (Mean Square)
Misadjustment and Excess MSE
Misadjustment and Excess MSE
Sign LMS Algorithm
Block LMS Algorithm
Fast Implementation of Block LMS Algorithm
Fast Implementation of Block LMS Algorithm
Vector Space Treatment to Random Variables
Vector Space Treatment to Random Variables
Orthogonalization and Orthogonal Projection
Orthogonal Decomposition of Signal Subspaces
Introduction to Linear Prediction
Lattice Filter
Lattice Recursions
Lattice as Optimal Filter
Linear Prediction and Autoregressive Modeling
Gradient Adaptive Lattice
Gradient Adaptive Lattice
Introduction to Recursive Least Squares
RLS Approach to Adaptive Filters
RLS Adaptive Lattice
RLS Lattice Recursions
RLS Lattice Recursions
RLS Lattice Algorithm
RLS Using QR Decomposition
Givens Rotation
Givens Rotation and QR Decomposition
Systolic Implementation
Systolic Implementation
Singular Value Decomposition
Singular Value Decomposition
Singular Value Decomposition
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Digital Computer Organization
Prof. P.K. Biswas
IIT Kharagpur
Introduction to Digital Computer Organization
CPU Design-I
CPU Design-II
CPU Design Tirning and Control
Micro programmed Control-I
Micro programmed Control-II
Pipeline Concept-I
Pipeline Concept-II
Pipeline Concept-III
Pipeline CPU-I
Pipeline CPU-II
Pipeline CPU-III
Memory Organization-I
Memory Organization-II
Memory Organization-III
Memory Organization-IV
Memory Organization-V
Cache Memory Architecture
Cache Memory Architecture RAM Architecture
RAM Architecture
DAM Architecture-1
DAM Architecture Buffer Cache
Buffer Cache
Secondary Storage Organization-I
Secondary Storage Organization-II
Secondary Storage Organization-III
I/O Subsystem Organization
Error Detection and Correction
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Digital Image Processing
Prof. P.K. Biswas
IIT Kharagpur
Image Digitization I
Image Digitization II
Pixel Relationships
Pixels Relationships II
Basic Transformations
Camera Model and Imaging Geometry
Camera Calibration and Stereo Imaging
Interpolation and Resampling
Image Interpolation - II
Image Interpolation - I
Image Transformation - II
Fourier Transformation - I
Fourier Transformation - II
Discrete Cosine Transform
K-L Transform
Image Enhancement
Image Enhancement
Image Enhancement
Image Enhancement
Image Enhancement Frequency
Image Restoration - I
Image Restoration - II
Image Restoration -III
Image Registration
Colour Image Processing - I
Colour Image Processing - II
Colour Image Processing - III
Image Segmentation - I
Image Segmentation - II
Image Segmentation - III
Image Segmentation - IV
Mathematical Morphology - I
Mathematical Morphology - II
Mathematical Morphology - III
Mathematical Morphology - IV
Object Representation and Description - I
Object Representation and Description - II
Object Representation and Description - III
Object Recognition
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Digital Systems Design
Prof. D. Roychoudhury
IIT Kharagpur
Introduction to Digital Systems Design
Digital Logic - I
Digital Logic - II
Digital Logic - III
Boolean Algebra
Boolean Algebra
Boolean Function Minimization
Boolean Function Minimization
Boolean Function Minimization
Hazzard Covers by K - Map
Combinational Circuit Design
Design of ADDER Circuits
Design of Subtractor Circuits
Digital of Common Digital Elements
Design of Complex Combinational Circuits
Design of Combinational Circuits
Combinational Logic Problem Design
Combinational Logic Design
Logic Design with PLA
Synchronous Sequential Circuit Design
Design of Sequential Modules
Design of Registers and Counter
Finite State Machine Design
Finite State Machine Design and Optimization
Programmable Logic Devices
Programmable Logic Devices
Programmable Logic Devices
Design of Arithmetic Circuits
Design of Arithmetic Circuits
Design of Memory Circuits
Algorithmic State Machines Chart
Design of Computer Instruction Set and the CPU
Design of Computer Instruction Set and the CPU
Design of Computer Instruction Set and the CPU
Design of Computer Instruction Set and the CPU
Design of Computer Instruction Set and the CPU
Design of Computer Instruction Set and the CPU
Design of a Micro Programmed CPU
Digital System Design Current State of the Art
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Digital Voice & Picture Communication
Prof. Somnath Sengupta
IIT Kharagpur
Speech Production Model
Speech Coding : Objectives and Requirements
Quantizers for Speech Signal
mew - Law and Optimum Quantizer
Adaptive Quantizer
Differential Quantization
Differential PCM and Adaptive Prediction
Linear Prediction of Speech
Computational Aspects of LPC parameters
Cholesky Decomposition
Lattice Formulation of LPC Coefficient
Linear Predictive Synthesizer
LPC Vocoder
Introduction to Image and Video Coding
Lossy Image Compression : DCT
DCT Quantization and Limitations
Theory of Wavelets
Discrete Wavelet Transforms
DWT on the Images and its Encoding
Embedded Zero Tree Wavelet Encoding
Video Coding : Basic Building Blocks
Motion Estimate Techniques
Fast Motion Estimation Techniques
Video Coding Standards
Advanced Coding Aspects
Audio Coding: Basic Concepts
Audio Coding AC - 3
AC -3 Decoder
MPEG - 1 Audio Coding
Introduction to VoIP
VoIP Signaling : H.323 Protocol
H.323 Call Controls and Enhancements
Interworking with PSTN Limitations and Solution
Multiplexing Schemes
H.323:Multiplexing:Header Compression and BW
ISDN Video Conferencing
Video Conferencing : SIP Protocol
4G Multimedia Conferencing
Electronics & Communication Engineering
MEMS and Microsystems
Prof. Santiram Kal
IIT Kharagpur
Introduction to MEMS & Microsystems
Introduction to Microsensors
Evaluation of MEMS, Microsensors, Market Survey
Application of MEMS
MEMS Materials
MEMS Materials Properties
MEMS Materials Properties (Contd.)
Microelectronic Technology for MEMS - II
Microelectronic Technology for MEMS - III
Micromachining Technology for MEMS
Micromachining Process
Etch Stop Techniques and Microstructure
Surface and Quartz Micromachining
Fabrication of Micromachined Microstructure
MEMS Microsensors Thermal
Micromachined Microsensors Mechanical
MEMS Pressure and Flow Sensor
Micromachined Flow Sensors
MEMS Inertial Sensors
Micromachined Microaccelerometers for MEMS
MEMS Accelerometers for Avionics
Temperature Drift and Damping Analysis
Piezoresistive Accelerometer Technology
MEMS Capacitive Accelerometer
MEMS Capacitive Accelerometer Process
MEMS Gyro Sensor
MEMS for Space Application
Polymer MEMS & Carbon Nano Tubes CNT
Wafer Bonding & Packaging of MEMS
Interface Electronics for MEMS
MEMS for Biomedical Applications (Bio-MEMS)
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Neural Networks and Applications
Prof. Somnath Sengupta
IIT Kharagpur
Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks
Artificial Neuron Model and Linear Regression
Gradient Descent Algorithm
Nonlinear Activation Units and Learning Mechanisms
Learning Mechanisms-Hebbian,Competitive,Boltzmann
Associative memory
Associative Memory Model
Condition for Perfect Recall in Associative Memory
Statistical Aspects of Learning
V.C. Dimensions: Typical Examples
Importance of V.C. Dimensions Structural Risk Minimization
Single-Layer Perceptions
Unconstrained Optimization: Gauss-Newton's Method
Linear Least Squares Filters
Least Mean Squares Algorithm
Perceptron Convergence Theorem
Bayes Classifier & Perceptron: An Analogy
Bayes Classifier for Gaussian Distribution
Back Propagation Algorithm
Practical Consideration in Back Propagation Algorithm
Solution of Non-Linearly Separable Problems Using MLP
Heuristics For Back-Propagation
Multi-Class Classification Using Multi-layered Perceptrons
Radial Basis Function Networks: Cover's Theorem
Radial Basis Function Networks: Separability & Interpolation
Posed Surface Reconstruction
Solution of Regularization Equation: Greens Function
Use of Greens Function in Regularization Networks
Regularization Networks and Generalized RBF
Comparison Between MLP and RBF
Learning Mechanisms in RBF
Introduction to Principal Components and Analysis
Dimensionality reduction Using PCA
Hebbian-Based Principal Component Analysis
Introduction to Self Organizing Maps
Cooperative and Adaptive Processes in SOM
Vector-Quantization Using SOM
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Probability and Random Processes
Prof. Mrityunjoy Chakraborty
IIT Kharagpur
Introduction to the Theory of Probability
Axioms of Probability
Axioms of Probability (Contd.)
Introduction to Random Variables
Probability Distributions and Density Functions
Conditional Distribution and Density Functions
Function of a Random Variable
Function of a Random Variable (Contd.)
Mean and Variance of a Random Variable
Characteristic Function
Two Random Variables
Function of Two Random Variables
Function of Two Random Variables (Contd.)
Correlation Covariance and Related Innver
Vector Space of Random Variables
Joint Moments
Joint Characteristic Functions
Joint Conditional Densities
Joint Conditional Densities (Contd.)
Sequences of Random Variables
Sequences of Random Variables (Contd.)
Correlation Matrices and their Properties
Correlation Matrices and their Properties
Conditional Densities of Random Vectors
Characteristic Functions and Normality
Tchebycheff Inequality and Estimation of an Unknown Parameter
Central Limit Theorem
Introduction to Stochastic Process
Stationary Processes
Cyclostationary Processes
System with Random Process at Input
Ergodic Processes
Introduction to Spectral Analysis
Spectral Analysis Contd.
Spectrum Estimation - Non Parametric Methods
Spectrum Estimation - Parametric Methods
Autoregressive Modeling and Linear Prediction
Linear Mean Square Estimation - Wiener (FIR)
Adaptive Filtering - LMS Algorithm
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Digital Circuits and Systems
Prof. S. Srinivasan
IIT Madras
Introduction To Digital Circuits
Introduction To Digital Circuits
Combinational Logic Basics
Combinational Circuits
Logic Simplification
Karnaugh Maps And Implicants
Logic Minimization Using Karnaugh Maps
Karnaugh Map Minimization Using Maxterms
Code Converters
Parity Generators And Display Decoder
Arithmetic Circuits
Carry Look Ahead Adders
2?'S Complement Subtractor and BCD Adder
Array Multiplier
Introduction to Sequential Circuits
S-R, J-K and D Flip Flops
J-K and T Flip Flops
Triggering Mechanisms of Flip Flops and Counters
Up/ Down Counters
Shift Registers
Application of shift Registers
State Machines
Design of Synchronous Sequential Circuits
Design using J-K Flip Flop
Mealy and Moore Circuits
Pattern Detector
MSI and LSI Based Design
Multiplexer Based Design
Encoders and Decoders
Programmable Logic Devices
Design using Programmable Logic Devices
Design using Programmable Logic Devices (contd)
MSI and LSI based Implementation of Sequential Circuits
MSI and LSI based Implementation of Sequential Circuits (contd)
Design of circuits using MSI sequential blocks
System Design Example
System Design Example (contd)
System Design using the concept of controllers
System Design using the concept of controllers (contd)
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Electronics for Analog Signal Processing - I
Prof. K. Radhakrishna Rao
IIT Madras
Diode characteristics
Voltage Multiplier
Full Wave Rectifier and Peak Detector
Diode as a GATE
Analog GATE
Small Signal Analysis of Diode Circuit
Zener Regulator and Voltage Regulator
Varactor Diode
Cascading of Amplifiers
Cascading of Amplifiers
h and g Parameters
Two Port Analysis
Amplifier Applications
Frequency Limitations Of An Amplifier
Distortion In Amplifiers
Bipolar Junction Transistor
Transistor (BJT) Inverter
Transistor Biasing
Stable Way of Biasing
Common Emitter Amplifiers
Transistor Biasing Using Single Supply
Metal Oxide Semiconductor
Construction of a MOSFET
Varieties of MOSFETS and JFETS
Characteristics of MOSFET
Cascading Amplifiers
Cascading (Direct Coupling)
The Differential Amplifiers
BJT Differential Amplifiers
MOSFET Differential Amplifiers
Cascading Differential Amplifiers
Current Source and Current Sink
NMOS Inverters and CMOS Inverters
Active Components used in Electronics
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Electronics for Analog Signal Processing - II
Prof. K. Radhakrishna Rao
IIT Madras
Feedback Theory
Negative Feedback
Negative Feedback
h and g Negative Feedback
g Feedback with Mosfet
Operational Amplifier in Negative Feedback
Operational Amplifier in Negative Feedback
Positive Feedback (Regenerative)
Experimental Demonstration
Instrumentation Amplifiers
Active Filters
Simulation of Harmonic Oscillators
Frequency Compensation in Negative Feedback
Frequency Compensation
Wideband (video) Amplifiers
Wideband Amplifiers
ICs For Video And Tuned Amplifier Applications
Power Amplifier
Power Amplifier
Class B and C Power Amplifiers
Class-B Power Amplifier Load and Drive
Control Circuits
Voltage Regulators
Voltage Regulators
Voltage Regulators
Analog Multipliers (Modems & Mixers)
Log-Antilog Multipliers
Experimental Demonstration
PLL (Phase Locked Loop)
PLL(Phase Locked Loop)
Lock Range Capture Range and FSK and FM
Electronics & Communication Engineering
High Speed Devices and Circuits
Prof. K.N. Bhat
IIT Madras
Introduction to Basic concepts
Requirements for high speed circuits, devices and materials
Classification and properties of semiconductor devices
Ternary compound semiconductors and their applications
Ternary compound semiconductors and their applications(contd.)
Crystal structures in GaAs
Dopants and impurities in GaAs and InP
Brief Overview of GaAs Technology for High Speed Devices
Epitaxial Techniques for GaAs and high speed devices
MBE and LPE for GaAs Epitoxy
GaAs and InP devices for Microelectronics
Metal Semiconductor contacts for MESFET
Metal Semiconductor contacts for MESFET(contd)
Metal Semiconductor contacts for MESFET(Contd)
Ohmic contacts on semiconductors
Fermi level pinning, I V characteristics of Schottky Barrier Diodes
Schottky Barrier Diodes I V characteristics of Non idealities -1
Schottky Barrier Diodes I V characteristics of Non idealities -1
Causes of Non idealities in the Schottky Barrier Diodes (I V characteristics)
MESFET operations and I V characteristics
MESFET I V characteristics Shockley's Model
MESFET Shockley's Model and velocity saturation effect
MESFET velocity saturation effect on drain current saturation
MESFET : Drain current saturation Ids due to velocity saturation
MESFET : Effects of channel length and gate length on IDS and gm
MESFET : Effects of velocity saturation and velocity field characteristics
MESFET : Effects of velocity field characteristics - Overshoot effects
MESFET : Velocity overshoot effect and self aligned MESFET SAINT
Self Aligned MESFET SAINT Threshold Voltage and Sub Threshold current
Hetero junctions
Hetero junctions and high electron Mobility Transistor(HEMT)
Hetero junctions and high electron Mobility Transistor(HEMT) (Contd.)
High Electron Mobility Transistor
HEMT off voltage, I-V characteristics and trans conductance
I-V characteristics and trans conductance and optimization
Indium phosphide based HEMT
Pseudomorphic HEMT and Hetrojunction Bipolar Transistors
Hetero junction Bipolar Transistors (HBT)
Hetero junction Bipolar Transistors (HBT) (Contd.)
Hetero junction Bipolar Transistors (HBT) (Contd.)
Hetero junction Bipolar Transistors(HBT)-4(Contd)
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Solid State Devices
Prof. S. Karmalkar
IIT Madras
Introduction on Solid State Devices
Evolution and Uniqueness of Semiconductor
Equilibrium Carrier Concentration
Equilibrium Carrier Concentration
Equilibrium Carrier Concentration
Equilibrium Carrier Concentration
Equilibrium Carrier Concentration
Equilibrium Carrier Concentration
Equilibrium Carrier Concentration
Equilibrium Carrier Concentration
Equilibrium Carrier Concentration
Carrier Transport
Carrier Transport (contd)
Carrier Transport (contd)
Excess Carriers
Excess Carriers (contd)
Procedure for Device Analysis
Procedure for Device Analysis (contd)
PN Junction
PN Junction (contd)
PN Junction (contd)
PN Junction (contd)
PN Junction (contd)
PN Junction (contd)
PN Junction (contd)
Bipolar Junction Transistor
Bipolar Junction Transistor (contd)
Bipolar Junction Transistor (contd)
Bipolar Junction Transistor (contd)
Bipolar Junction Transistor (contd)
Bipolar Junction Transistor (contd)
Bipolar Junction Transistor (contd)
Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (MOS) Junction
Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (MOS) Junction (contd)
Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (MOS) Junction (contd)
Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (MOS) Junction (contd)
Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (MOS) Junction (contd)
MOS Field Effect Transistor
MOS Field Effect Transistor (contd)
MOS Field Effect Transistor (contd)
MOS Field Effect Transistor (contd)
The Final Lecture - Conclusion
Electronics & Communication Engineering
VLSI Circuits
Prof. S. Srinivasan
IIT Madras
Introduction to VLSI Design
Combinational Circuit Design
Programmable Logic Devices
Programmable Array Logic
Review of Flip-Flops
Sequential Circuits
Sequential Circuit Design
MSI Implementation of Sequential Circuits
Design of Sequential Circuits using One Hot Controller
Verilog Modeling of Combinational Circuits
Modeling of Verilog Sequential Circuits - Core Statements
Modeling of Verilog Sequential Circuits - Core Statements(Contd)
RTL Coding Guidelines
Coding Organization - Complete Realization
Coding Organization - Complete Realization (Contd)
Writing a Test Bench
System Design using ASM Chart
Example of System Design using ASM Chart
Examples of System Design using Sequential Circuits
Examples of System Design using Sequential Circuits (Contd)
Microprogrammed Design
Microprogrammed Design (Continued)
Design Flow of VLSI Circuits
Simulation of Combinational Circuits
Simulation of Combinational and Sequential Circuits
Analysis of Waveforms using Modelsim
Analysis of Waveforms using Modelsim (Continued)
ModelSim Simulation Tool
Synthesis Tool
Synthesis Tool (Continued)
Synplify Tool - Schematic Circuit Diagram View
Technology View using Synplify Tool
Synopsys Full and Parallel Cases
Xilinx Place & Route Tool
Xilinx Place & Route Tool (Continued)
PCI Arbiter Design using ASM Chart
Design of Memories - ROM
Design of Memories- RAM
Design of External RAM
Design of Arithmetic Circuits
Design of Arithmetic Circuits (Continued)
Design of Arithmetic Circuits (Continued)
System Design Examples
System Design Examples (Continued)
System Design Examples (Continued)
System Design Examples (Continued)
System Design Examples (Continued)
System Design Examples using FPGA Board
System Design Examples using FPGA Board (Continued)
Advanced Features of Xilinx Project Navigator
System Design Examples using FPGA Board (Continued)
System Design Examples using FPGA Board (Continued)
System Design Examples using FPGA Board (Continued)
System Design Examples using FPGA Board (Continued)
Project Design Suggested for FPGA/ASIC Implementations
Electronics & Communication Engineering
VLSI Technology
Dr. Nandita Dasgupta
IIT Madras
Introduction on VLSI Design
Bipolar Junction Transistor Fabrication
MOSFET Fabrication for IC
Crystal Structure of Si
Crystal Structure contd
Defects in Crystal + Crystal growth
Crystal growth Contd + Epitaxy I
Epitaxy II - Vapour phase Epitaxy
Epitaxy III - Doping during Epitaxy
Molecular beam Epitaxy
Oxidation I - Kinetics of Oxidation
Oxidation II Oxidation rate constants
Oxidation III - Dopant Redistribution
Oxidation IV - Oxide Charges
Diffusion I - Theory of Diffusion
Diffusion II - Infinite Source
Diffusion III - Actual Doping Profiles
Diffusion IV Diffusion Systems
Ion - Implantation Process
Ion - Implantation Process
Annealing of Damages
Masking during Implantation
Lithography - I
Lithography - II
Wet Chemical Etching
Dry Etching
Plasma Etching Systems
Etching of Si,Sio2,SiN and other materials
Plasma Deposition Process
Metallization - I
Problems in Aluminium Metal contacts
IC BJT - From junction isolation to LOCOS
Problems in LOCOS + Trench isolation
More about BJT Fabrication and Realization
Circuits + Transistors in ECL Circuits
MOSFET I - Metal gate vs. Self-aligned Poly-gate
MOSFET II Tailoring of Device Parameters
CMOS Technology
Latch - up in CMOS
BICMOS Technology
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Dr. Manoj Varma
IISc Bangalore
Geometric Optics
Wave Optics I
Wave Optics II
Magnetic Waves: EM Optics I
Electro-Magnetic Waves: EM Optics II
Light Matter Interactions & Lasers
Basic Microscopy
Fluorescence Imaging
Focal Volume Reduction
Fluorescence Techniques
Biomedical Imaging
Optical Manipulation
Biosensors Overview
Labeled DNA Sensors
Bio-Patterning Methods
Label Free Biosensors
Useful References
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Circuits for Analog System Design
Prof. M.K. Gunasekaran
IISc Bangalore
Transistor Amplifier
Transistor Op-amp and Transistor Based Voltage Regulator
Some applications of transistor -1
Some applications of transistor - II
Transformer design & Heat sink design
Op-amp Based Linear Voltage Regulator
Short circuit protection for linear power supply
Temperature indicator design using Op-amp
On & off Temperature controller design
Proportional Temperature Controller Design
PID - Temperature Controller Design
Heater Drive for Various Temperature Controllers
Short Circuit Protection of Power MOSFET
Error budgeting for temperature Indicator
PID Temperature Controllers with Error Budgeting
Error Budgeting for Constant Current Sources
Error Budgeting for Thermo Couple Amplifier
Error Budgeting for Op amp Circuits
Gain Error Calculation in Op amp Circuits
Input Resistance Calculations for Op amp
Output Resistance Calculations for Op amp
Error Budgeting for Different Circuits
4-20 mA current Transmitter design
Error budgeting for 4-20mA Current Transmitters
LVDT Based Current Transmitters
Constant Current Source Design
4-20 MA Based Temperature Transmitter
3-Wire Current Transmitter
Various Resistance Measurement Techniques
Ratio Transformer Technique to Measure Resistance and capacitance
Capacitive Sensor Circuit Design Examples
Capacitive Sensor Circuit With High Impedance Amplifier
AC- applications of the Op-Amp and Lock in Amplifier Design
Design of lock in Amplifier Circuit with example
Dual Slopes ADC � Design Examples
Dual Slope ADC and Successor approximation ADC
MC based ADC
Digital to analog Converter design and working, Flash ADC
Flash ADC and ADC Converter errors
Sigma delta ADC working Principle
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Error Correcting Codes
Prof. P. Vijay Kumar
IISc Bangalore
Course Overview & Basics
Example Codes and their Parameters
Mathematical Preliminaries: Groups
Subgroups and Equivalence Relations
Cosets, Rings & Fields
Vector Spaces, Linear Independence and Basis
Linear Codes, & Linear independence
Spanning & Basis
The Dual Code
Systematic Generator Matrix
Minimum Distance of a Linear Code
Bounds on the size of a Code
Asymptotic Bounds
Standard Array Decoding
Performance Analysis of the SAD
State and Trellis
The Viterbi Decoder
Catastrophic Error Propagation
Path Enumeration
Viterbi Decoder over the AWGN Channel
Generalized Distributive Law
The MPF Problem
Further Examples of the MPF Problem
Junction Trees
Example of Junction Tree Construction
Message passing on the Junction tree
GDL Approach to Decoding Convolutional Codes
ML Code-Symbol Decoding of the Convolutional Code
LDPC Codes
LDPC Code Terminology
Gallager Decoding Algorithm A
BP Decoding of LDPC Codes
BP Decoding (Continued)
Density Evolution under BP decoding
Convergence & Concentration Theorem � LDPC Codes
A Construction for Finite Fields
Finite Fields: A Deductive Approach
Deductive Approach to Finite Fields
Subfields of a Finite field
Transform Approach to Cyclic Codes
Estimating the Parameters of a Cyclic Code
Decoding Cyclic Codes
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Pattern Recognition
Prof. P.S. Sastry
IISc Bangalore
Introduction to Statistical Pattern Recognition
Overview of Pattern Classifiers
The Bayes Classifier for minimizing Risk
Estimating Bayes Error; Minimax and Neymann-Pearson classifiers
Implementing Bayes Classifier; Estimation of Class Conditional Densities
Maximum Likelihood estimation of different densities
Bayesian estimation of parameters of density functions, MAP estimates
Bayesian Estimation examples; the exponential family of densities and ML estimates
Sufficient Statistics; Recursive formulation of ML and Bayesian estimates
Mixture Densities, ML estimation and EM algorithm
Convergence of EM algorithm; overview of Nonparametric density estimation
Convergence of EM algorithm, Overview of Nonparametric density estimation
Nonparametric estimation, Parzen Windows, nearest neighbour methods
Linear Discriminant Functions; Perceptron -- Learning Algorithm and convergence proof
Linear Least Squares Regression; LMS algorithm
AdaLinE and LMS algorithm; General nonliner least-squares regression
Logistic Regression; Statistics of least squares method; Regularized Least Squares
Fisher Linear Discriminant
Linear Discriminant functions for multi-class case; multi-class logistic regression
Learning and Generalization; PAC learning framework
Overview of Statistical Learning Theory; Empirical Risk Minimization
Consistency of Empirical Risk Minimization
Consistency of Empirical Risk Minimization; VC-Dimension
Complexity of Learning problems and VC-Dimension
VC-Dimension Examples; VC-Dimension of hyperplanes
Overview of Artificial Neural Networks
Multilayer Feedforward Neural networks with Sigmoidal activation functions;
Backpropagation Algorithm; Representational abilities of feedforward networks
Feedforward networks for Classification and Regression; Backpropagation in Practice
Radial Basis Function Networks; Gaussian RBF networks
Learning Weights in RBF networks; K-means clustering algorithm
Support Vector Machines -- Introduction, obtaining the optimal hyperplane
SVM formulation with slack variables; nonlinear SVM classifiers
Kernel Functions for nonlinear SVMs; Mercer and positive definite Kernels
Support Vector Regression and ?-insensitive Loss function, examples of SVM learning
Overview of SMO and other algorithms for SVM; ?-SVM and ?-SVR; SVM as a risk minimizer
Positive Definite Kernels; RKHS; Representer Theorem
Feature Selection and Dimensionality Reduction; Principal Component Analysis
No Free Lunch Theorem; Model selection and model estimation; Bias-variance trade-off
Assessing Learnt classifiers; Cross Validation;
Bootstrap, Bagging and Boosting; Classifier Ensembles; AdaBoost
Risk minimization view of AdaBoost
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Principles of Communication
Prof. V. Venkat Rao
IIT Madras
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Pattern Recognition and Application
Prof. V. Balakrishnan
IIT Madras
Electronics & Communication Engineering
NOC:Digital Circuits and Systems
Prof. Shankar Balachandran
IIT Madras
Basic Boolean Logic
Boolean Theorems
Definitions, SoP and Pos
Algebraic Minimization Examples
Introduction to Verilog
Universality, Rearranging Truth Tables
Karnaugh Maps
K-Map Minimization
K-Map with Don't cares
Multiple Output Functions
Number Systems
Encoders and Decoders
Multiplexer based Circuit Design
Compiling and Running Verilog - A Demonstration
Sequential Elements
Gated Latches
Verilog - Assign Statement and Instantiation
Sequential Circuits
CMOS+Electrical Properties
Sequential Element Delays
More Sequential Circuits
Introduction to State Machines
Always Statement in Verilog
Sequential Logic Synthesis
FSM Design Problems
State Minimization
State Assignment
Verilog Styles
GCD Algorithm
GCD Machines Datapath
GCD State Machine
GCD Top Level Module
Datapath in Verilog
Datapath Elements in Verilog
FSM in Verilog
Putting it all together
K-stage Pipeline
Interleaving and Parallelism
Blocking and Non-blocking Statements
Modeling Circuits with Pipelining
Signed Number Representation
Signed Number Addition
Fast Adders
Closing Remarks
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Embedded Software Testing
Embedded Systems Basics Session 1
Embedded Systems Basics Session 1 Contd..
Prerequistics for Embedded Systems Testing
Test Case Designa and procedures
Test Standards
Depicting Levels of Testing
Depicting Levels of Testing Contd..
Software Life Cycle
Embedded V-Model Life Cycle
Embedded V-Model Life Cycle contd..
Master Test Planning
Dynamic Testing
Black Box Testing
Black Box Testing Contd.
Black Box Testing Contd..
Black Box Testing Contd..
Model Based Design Intro.
Dynamic Testing Contd..
White Box Testing
White Box Testing Cont.
Grey-box testing
Static Testing
Static Analysis
Static Analysis Contd.
Static Analysis Contd..
Test Metrics
Software Testing Metrics
Depicting Levels of Testing Contd...
Integration Test Strategy
Integration Tests Environment
Use Case Diagram
Configure Management Elements
SCM Activities
Test Management Tool
SCM Activities Contd..
Overview Lecture 1
Unit Testing
Unit Testing Contd..
Understading C++
Unit Testing Contd...
Level Testing
Identify Test Cases
Test Link Work Flow
Electronics & Communication Engineering
ARM Based Development
Embedded Systems Professional
Types of computer Architectures, ISA's and ARM History
Embedded System Software and Hardware, stack implementation in ARM, Endianness, condition codes
Processor core VS CPU core, ARM7TDMI Interface signals, Memory Interface, Bus Cycle types, Register set, Operational Modes
Instruction Format, ARM Core Data Flow Model, ARM 3 stage Pipeline, ARM family attribute comparision
ARM 5 stage Pipeline, Pipeline Hazards, Data forwarding - a hardware solution
ARM ISA and Processor Variants, Different Types of Instructions, ARM Instruction set, data processing instructions
Shift Operations, shift Operations using RS lower byte, Immediate value encoding
Dataprocessing Instructions
AddressingMode-1, Addressing Mode -2
Addressing Mode -2, LDR/STR, Addressing mode -3 with examples
Instruction Timing, Addressing Mode - 4 with Examples
Swap Instructions, Swap Register related Instructions, Loading Constants
Program Control Flow, Control Flow Instructions, B & BL instructions, BX instruction
Interrupts and Exceptions, Exception Handlers, Reset Handling
Aborts, software Interrupt Instruction, undefined instruction exception
Interrupt Latency, Multiply Instructions, Instruction set examples
Thumb state, Thumb Programmers model, Thumb Implementation, Thumb Applications
Thumb Instructions, Interrupt processing
Interrupt Handelling schemes, Examples of Interrupt Handlers
Coprocessor Instructions, data Processign Instruction, data transfers, register transfers
Number representations, floating point representation
Flynn's Taxonomy, SIMD and Vector Processors, Vector Floating Point Processor (VFP), VFP and ARM interactions, An example vector operation
Memory Technologies, Need for memory Hierarchy, Hierarchical Memory Organization, Virtual Memory
Cache Memory, Mapping Functions
Cache Design, Unified or split cache, multiple level of caches, ARM cache features, coprocessor 15 for system control
Processes, Memory Map, Protected Systems, ARM systems with MPU, memory Protection Unit (MPU)
Physical Vs Virtual Memory, Paging, Segmentation
MMU Advantage, virtual memory translation, Multitasking with MMU, MMU organization, Tightly coupled Memory (TCM)
ARM Development Environment, Arm Procedure Call Standard (APCS)
Example C program
Embedded software Development, Image structure, linker inputs and outputs, memory map, application startup
AMBA Overview, Typical AMAB Based Microcontroller, AHB bus features, AHB Bus transfers, APB bus transfers, APB bridge
DMA, Peripherals, Programming Peripherals in ARM
DMA:Direct Memory Access
Protocols (I2c, SPI), UART, GPIO
ARM ISAs, ARMv5, ARMv6, ARM v7, big.little technology, ARMv8
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Advanced Logic Synthesis
Dhiraj Taneja
Broadcom, Hyderabad
MOS Transistor
MOS Transistor - Detailed Study
Combinational Circuits & layout
Sequential Circuits
Logical Effort
Circuit Families
Introduction to Synthesis
RTL Coding for Synthesis
Reading Design in DC
Design Environment
Design Constraints
Compile Flow and stratergies
Analysis and Reporting
Advanced Synthesis Techniques
Datapath Extraction Guidelines
Power - Methodology and Analysis
Static Timing Analysis - Concepts and Flow
Interconnects and Delay calculation
Clock and Exceptions
On Chip Variation
Introduction to Crosstalk
Gaussian / Normal Distribution
Equivalence Checking / Formal Verification
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Linux Programming & Scripting
Anand Iyer
Calypto Design Systems
Linux Basics-I
Linux Basics-II
Linux Basics-III
Linux Basics-IV
Linux Networking -I
Linux Networking –II
File Transfer Protocol
DNS Continued
Using sort
Programming Using Tcl/Tk-I
Programming Using Tcl/Tk-II
Programming Using Tcl/Tk-III
More about Procedures
TCP,Ports and Sockets
I/O and Processes
Programming Using Tcl/Tk-IV
Furniture Arranger
Tcl in Synopsys Tools
Python Programming
More about Regexps
Advanced Functions
Exception Handling
Examples of file Parsing
Program on If Statement
Program on Lists
Electronics & Communication Engineering
NOC:Principles of Modern CDMA/mIMO/ OFDM Wireless Communications(Course sponsored by Aricent)
Prof. Aditya K. Jagannatham
IIT Kanpur
Evolution of Wireless Communication Technologies
Modeling Wireless Channel
Wireless Fading Channel Model
Fading Channel Distribution
Rayleigh Fading Channel
Bit Error Rate (BER) Performance
Bit Error Rate (BER) of AWGN Channels
Bit Error Rate of Rayleigh Fading Wireless Channel
Exact BER Expression for Rayleigh Fading Wireless Channel
Deep Fade Analysis of Wireless Communication
Principle of Diversity
Multiple Antenna Diversity
Maximal-Ratio Combining
BER of Multiple Antenna Wireless Systems
Approximate BER for Multiple Antenna Wireless System
Examples for BER of Wireless Communication
Deep Fade in Multi Antenna Systems
Intuition for Deep Fade in Multi-Antenna System
Definition of Diversity Order
Max Delay Spread
RMS Delay Spread
Delay Spread and Inter Symbol Interference
Coherence Bandwidth of Wireless Channel
Mobility and Doppler Effect in Wireless Channels
Imapact of Doppler Effect on Wireless Channel
Introduction to Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)
Chip Time and Bandwidth Expansion in CDMA
Code Generation for CDMA
CDMA Codes: Properties of PN Sequences
BER of CDMA Systems
Analysis of Multi-user CDMA
Multipath Diversity in CDMA Systems
Near-Far Problem in CDMA
Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) Systems
Examples of MIMO Systems
MIMO Receivers
BER Performance of ZF Receiver
Transmit Beamforming in MISO Systems
Alamouti Code and Space-Time Block Codes
BER of Alamouti Coded System
Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)
Capacity of MIMO Wireless Systems
SVD based MIMO Transmission
Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM)
Transmission in Multicarrier Systems
FFT/IFFT Processing in OFDM
Cyclic Prefix in OFDM Systems
Schematic Represntation of OFDM Transmitter and Receiver
BER Performance of OFDM Systems
Electronics & Communication Engineering
NOC:Networks and Systems(Course sponsored by Aricent)
Prof. V.G.K. Murti, C. S. Ramalingam, Dr. Andrew Thangaraj
IIT Madras
Functions in circuits - constant and sinusoidal functions
Functions in circuits - Exponential function
Complex numbers and other topics
Systems, Signals, Networks
Representation and Classification of Systems
Linear systems
Time-invariance and causality
Signals, Elementary continuous signals
Complex frequencies of signals
Discontinuous signals - step, ramp
Unit impulse or delta function
Basic discrete-time signals
Examples of Signals
Introduction to Systems, Complementary Functions, Initial Conditions
Special initial conditions
Characterization of a linear system
Impulse Response
Evaluating the Convolution Integral
Worked-out Problems
Introduction and Motivation
Evaluating Fourier series coefficients
Symmetry conditions
Symmetry Condition Examples
Application to Network Analysis
Exponential Fourier Series
Frequency Spectrum
Signal Power and Related Ideas
Convergence of Fourier Series
Week 1 Solutions
Hints for Assignment 2
Hints for Assignment 3
Additional Properties of Fourier Series
Exercises on Fourier Series
Lab Demo
From Fourier Series to Fourier Transform
Continuous Time Fourier Transform
Fourier Transform Examples
Examples and Some Properties of Fourier Transform
Properties of Fourier Transform (contd.)
More Fourier Transform Properties
Energy Considerations
Energy Considerations II
Helpful Relationships for Inverse Fourier Transform
Fourier transform of signals that are not absolutely integrable
Fourier Transform of Periodic Signals, Unit Step and Signum Function
Truncated Sine wave and Convolution properties
Integration in Time domain
Application of continuous-time Fourier transform to system analysis
Comments about transient analysis
Sampling Theorem and Exercises on Fourier Transforms
Introduction to Laplace Transform
Laplace transforms of important functions
Recap, Poles / Zeros and Laplace Transform Notation
Properties: Linearity, differentiation in the time domain
Application and properties of Laplace transform
More properties of Laplace transform: Shift in frequency domain
More properties of Laplace transform
Properties: Division by `t, Initial value theorem, Final value theorem
Properties: Convolution in time domain
Complex convolution and periodic functions
Examples of Laplace transform
Laplace transform examples
Inverse Laplace transform
Partial fractions: general case
Inverse Laplace Transform and Contour Integration
Relating Fourier and Laplace Transform
Applications of Laplace transform to network transients
Laplace transform for resistor and system analysis
Laplace transform method for mutual inductance
Mutual Inductance Continued
Examples and Advantages of L-transform
General LTI systems and more about H(s)
Many facets of the system function (contd)
Frequency response and stability
Full circuit example
Electronics & Communication Engineering
NOC:Probability and Random Variables/ Processes for Wireless Communications
Prof. Aditya K. Jagannatham
IIT Kanpur
Basics - Sample Space and Events
Axioms of Probability
Conditional Probability - Mary-PAM Example
Independent Events - Mary-PAM Example
Independent Events - Block Transmission Example
Independent Events - Multiantenna Fading Example
Bayes Theorem and Aposteriori Probabilities
Maximum Aposteriori Probability (MAP) Receiver
Random Variables, Probability Density Function (PDF)
Application: Power of Fading Wireless Channel
Mean, Variance of Random Variables
Application: Average Delay and RMS Delay Spread of Wireless Channel
Transformation of Random Variables and Rayleigh Fading Wireless Channel
Gaussian Random Variable and Linear Transformation
Special Case: IID Gaussian Random Variables
Application: Array Processing and Array Gain with Uniform Linear Arrays
Random Processes and Wide Sense Stationarity (WSS)
WSS Example Narrowband Wireless Signal with Random Phase
Power Spectral Density (PSD) for WSS Random Process
PSD Application in Wireless Bandwidth Required for Signal Transmission
Transmission of WSS Random Process Through LTI System
Special Random Processes Gaussian Process and White Noise AWGN Communication Channel
Gaussian Process Through LTI System Example: WGN Through RC Low Pass Fillter Not Started
Department of Electrical Engineering
NOC:Microwave Integrated Circuits
Prof. Jayanta Mukherjee
IIT Bombay
Reflection Coefficient
Reflection Coefficient
Smith Chart
Application of the Smith Chart
Microwave Components
Broadband Impedance Matching
Multi-section transformer
Maximally flat (binomial) transformer
Non-uniform transmission line(Tapers)
Scattering Parameters
Properties of Scattering Parameters
Properties of Scattering Parameters (contd.)
Signal flow graph
1 and 2 Port passive Components
3 Port Microwave Components
Coupled Line Couplers
Resonators and narrow band filters
Narrow-band filters
Filter design: Image parameter method
Filter synthesis
Impedance Matching Circuits for Amplifiers
Microstrip Matching(contd.)
Amplifier Gain Stability
Amplifier Gain Stability(Contd.)
Gain Circles
Gain Circles(contd.)
Noise Figure Circles(contd.)
DC Bias
Amplifier Classes
Oscillator Design
Department of Electrical Engineering
NOC:Estimation for Wireless Communications - MIMO/ OFDM Cellular and Sensor Networks
Prof. Aditya K. Jagannatham
IIT Kanpur
Basics - Sensor Network and Noisy Observation Model
Likelihood Function and Maximum Likelihood (ML) Estimate
Properties of Maximum Likelihood (ML) Estimate äóñ Mean and Unbiasedness
Properties of Maximum Likelihood (ML) Estimate äóñ Variance and Spread Around Mean
Reliability of the Maximum Likelihood (ML) Estimate äóñ Number of Samples Required
Estimation of Complex Parameters äóñ Symmetric Zero Mean Complex Gaussian Noise
Wireless Fading Channel Estimation äóñ Pilot Symbols and Likelihood Function
Wireless Fading Channel Estimation äóñ Pilot Training based Maximum Likelihood ML Estimate
Wireless Fading Channel Estimation äóñ Mean and Variance of Pilot Training Based Maximum Likelihood
Example äóñ Wireless Fading Channel Estimation for Downlink Mobile Communication
Cramer Rao Bound (CRB) for Parameter Estimation
Cramer Rao Bound CRB Example äóñ Wireless Sensor Network
Vector Parameter Estimation äóñ System Model for Multi Antenna Downlink Channel Estimation
Likelihood Function and Least Squares Cost Function for Vector Parameter Estimation
Least Squares Cost Function for Vector Parameter Estimation Vector Derivative Gradient
Least Squares Solution Maximum Likelihood ML Estimate Pseudo Inverse
Properties of Least Squares Estimate äóñ Mean Covariance and Distribution
Least Squares Multi Antenna Downlink Maximum Likelihood Channel Estimation
Multiple Input Multiple Output MIMO Channel Estimation äóñ Least Squares Maximum Likelihood ML
Example äóñ Least Squares Multiple Input Multiple Output MIMO Channel Estimation
Channel Equalization and Inter Symbol Interference ISI Model
Least Squares based Zero Forcing Channel Equalizer
Example of ISI Channel and Least Squares based Zero Forcing
Equalization and Approximation Error for Zero Forcing Channel Equalizer
Example Equalization and Approximation Error for Zero Forcing Channel Equalizer
Introduction to Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing OFDM äóñ Cyclic Prefix CP and Circular Convolution
Introduction to Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing OFDM äóñ FFT at Receiver and Flat Fading
Channel Estimation Across Each Subcarrier in Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing OFDM
Example Orthogonal Frequency Division Mulltiplexing OFDM äóñ Transmission of Samples with Cyclic Prefix
Example Orthogonal Frequency Division Mulltiplexing OFDM äóñ FFT at Receiver and Channel Estimation
Comb Type Pilot CTP Based Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing OFDM Channel Estimation
Comb Type Pilot CTP Based Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing OFDM Channel Estimation
Example Comb Type Pilot CTP Based Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing OFDM Channel
Frequency Domain Equalization FDE for Inter Symbol Interference ISI Removal in Wireless System
Example Frequency Domain Equalization FDE for Inter Symbol Interference ISI Removal in Wireless Channels
Example Frequency Domain Equalization FDE for Inter Symbol Interference ISI Removal in Wireless Channels
Introduction to Sequential Estimation äóñ Application in Wireless Channel Estimation
Sequential Estimation of Wireless Channel Coefficient äóñ Estimate and Variance Update Equation
Example Sequential Estimation of Wireless Channel Coefficient
Department of Electrical Engineering
NOC:Error control coding: An introduction to linear block code
Dr. Adrish Banerjee
IIT Kanpur
Introduction to Error Control Coding-I
Introduction to Error Control Coding-II
Introduction to Error Control Coding-III
Introduction to Linear Block Codes
Problem Solving Session-I
Decoding of Linear Block Codes
Distance Properties of Linear Block Codes-I
Distance Properties of Linear Block Codes-II
Problem Solving Session
Some Simple Linear Block Codes-I
Some Simple Linear Block Codes-II: Reed Muller Codes
Bounds on the Size of a Code
Problem Solving Session-III
Low Density Parity Check Codes
Decoding of Low Density Parity Check Codes-I
Decoding of Low Density Parity Check Codes-II: Belief Propagation Algorithm
Applications of Linear Block Codes
Department of Electrical Engineering
NOC:Error Control Coding: An Introduction to Convolutional
Dr. Adrish Banerjee
IIT Kanpur
Introduction to Error Coding-I
Introduction to Error Coding-II
Introduction to Error Control Coding-III
Introduction to Convolutional Codes-I: Encoding
Introduction to Convolutional Codes-II: State Diagram
Convolutional Codes: Classification
Convolutional Codes:Distance Properties
Decoding of Convolutional Codes-I: Viterbi Algorithm
Decoding of Convolutional Codes-II: BCJR Algorithm
Problem Solving Session-I
Problem Solving Session-II
Performance Bounds for Convolutional Codes
Turbo Codes
Turbo Decoding
Convergence of Turbo Codes
Applications of Convolutional Codes
Problem Solving Sessions-III
Department of Electrical Engineering
NOC:Foundations of Wavelets and Multirate Digital Signal Processing
Prof. V.M. Gadre
IIT Bombay
Origin of wavelets
Haar wavelet
Dyadic wavelet
Dilates and translates of Haar wavelet
L2 norm of a function
Piecewise constant representation of a function
Ladder of subspaces
Scaling function of Haar wavelet
Demonstration: Piecewise constant approximation of functions
Vector representation of sequences
Properties of norm
Parsevals theorem
Equivalence of functions & sequences
Angle between Functions & their Decomposition
Additional Information on Direct-Sum
Introduction to filter banks
Haar Analysis filter bank in Z-domain
Haar Synthesis filter bank in Z-domain
Moving from Z-domain to frequency domain
Frequency Response of Haar Analysis Low pass Filter bank
Frequency Response of Haar Analysis High pass Filter bank
Ideal Two-band Filter bank
Disqualification of Ideal Filter bank
Realizable Two-band Filter bank
Demonstration: DWT of images
Relating Fourier transform of scaling function to filter bank
Fourier transform of scaling function
Construction of scaling and wavelet functions from filter bank
Demonstration: Constructing scaling and wavelet functions.
Conclusive Remarks and Future Prospects
Department of Electronics & Electrical Communication Engineering
NOC:Basic Tools of Microwave Engineering
Dr. Amitabha Bhattacharya
IIT Kharagpur
Challenges of Microwave Design
Introduction to the 1st tool : Smith Chart
Measurement of Unknown Impedance
Application of Smith Chart for finding unknown impedance in laboratory
Problem Solving using Smith Chart
Need of Impedance Matching at Microwave Frequency
Lumped Element Based Impedance Matching Network Design by Smith Chart
Distributed Impedance Matching Design by Smith Chart
Broadband Impedance Matching Network Design
Impedance Matching Network Design by Smith Chart
Voltage and Current at Microwave Frequency
Scattering Parameter : the Second Tool
Properties of Scattering Parameter
Network Analyser
Tutorial 3: Problem Solving on Equivalent Voltage and Current in Waveguide and on scattering parameters
Radiation between S-Parameters and Transmission Parameters
Scattering Parameters of Coupler and Magic Tee
Signal Flow Graph
Understanding Network Analyser Calibration with the help of Signal Flow Graph
Tutorial 4: Problem Solving Related to S-Parameters and Signal Flow Graph
Centre for Electronics Design and Technology
NOC:Design and Simulation of DC-DC converters using open source tools
Prof. L. Umanand
IISc Bangalore
System Overview
Understanding Rectifier with C-filter
Setting up gEDA
Simulation walk-through : Rectifier C-filter example
Designing the rectifier capacitor filter circuit
Startup surge limiting
DC-DC converter concepts
Simulation Example of Buck Converter
Understanding Buck Converter
Understanding Boost and Buck-Boost
Forward Converter Topology
Waveforms and Design
Simulation of Forward Converter
Forward Converter with Lossless Core Reset
Transformer Design
Inductor Design
Flyback Converter Topology
Pushpull Converter
Half and Full Bridge Converters
Close Loop Operation of Converters
Simulation examples
Multi-Output Converters
Concluding Remarks