subjectId Discipline Name Subject Name Coordinators Type Institute Content
103101137 Department of Chemical Engineering NOC:Heat transfer Dr. Prof. Ganesh A. Viswanathan Video IIT Bombay
103103132 Department of Chemical Engineering NOC:Fluidization Engineering Dr. S.K. Majumder Video IIT Guwahati
103103133 Department of Chemical Engineering NOC:An Introduction to Cardiovascular Fluid Mechanics Dr. Raghvendra Gupta Video IIT Guwahati
103103134 Department of Chemical Engineering NOC:Multiphase Microfluidics Dr. Raghvendra Gupta Video IIT Guwahati
103103135 Department of Chemical Engineering NOC:Measurement Technique in Multiphase Flows Dr. Prof. Rajesh Kumar Upadhyay Video IIT Guwahati
103103136 Department of Chemical Engineering NOC:Multiphase Flows Dr. Prof. Rajesh Kumar Upadhyay Video IIT Guwahati
103104129 Department of Chemical Engineering NOC:Thermodynamics Of Fluid Phase Equilibria Dr. Jayant K. Singh Video IIT Kanpur
103105130 Department of Chemical Engineering NOC:Chemical Process Instrumentation Dr. Prof. Debasis Sarkar Video Prof. Debasis Sarkar
103106131 Department of Chemical Engineering NOC:Rheology of Complex Materials Dr. Abhijit P. Deshpande Video IIT Madras
103108138 Department of Chemical Engineering NOC:Inductive Couple Plasma Atomic Emmission Spectrometry ( ICP-AES) for Pollution Monitering Dr. J.R. Mudakavi Video IISc Bangalore