subjectId Discipline Name Subject Name Coordinators Type Institute Content
104101090 Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry NOC:Chemistry of Main Group Elements Dr. Prof. M. S. Balakrishna Video IIT Bombay
104101091 Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry NOC:Transition Metal Organometallic Chemistry: Principles to applications Dr. Prof. P. Ghosh Video IIT Bombay
104101092 Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry NOC:Metal Mediated Synthesis-I Dr. Prof.Debabrata Maiti Video IIT Bombay
104105087 Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry NOC:A Study Guide In Organic Retrosynthesis: Problem Solving Approach Dr. Prof. Samik Nanda Video IIT Kharagpur
104105088 Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry NOC:Introduction To Molecular Thermodynamics Dr. Prof. Srabani Taraphder Video IIT Kharagpur
104106089 Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry NOC:Introduction to Chemical Thermodynamics and Kinetics Dr. Prof.Arijit Kumar De Video IIT Madras