subjectId Discipline Name Subject Name Coordinators Type Institute Content
113102080 Department of Metallurgy and Material Science NOC:Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering Dr. Prof. Rajesh Prasad Video IIT Delhi
113104076 Department of Metallurgy and Material Science NOC:Nature And Properties Of Materials-An Introductory Course Dr. Ashish Garg Video IIT Kanpur
113105077 Department of Metallurgy and Material Science NOC:Principles of polymer synthesis Dr. Prof. Rajat K Das Video IIT Kharagpur
113107078 Department of Metallurgy and Material Science NOC:Material Science and Engineering Dr. Vivek Pancholi Video IIT Roorkee
113108079 Department of Metallurgy and Material Science NOC:Iron Making Dr. Prof Govind S Gupta Video IISc Bangalore